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Member Since 02 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2013 11:09 AM

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In Topic: The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

19 June 2013 - 08:49 AM

The powerful pc's were probably used to brute force through sloppy unoptimized code.


Shouldn't we have seen this at sony demos as well??? According to to what i heard on epicbattleaxes podcast "the AXE Factor" Sony employes have confirmed most if not all Demos on the showfloor were running on PS4 devkits and according to epicbattleaxe the main difference is RAM due to debug tools having to run in the background.


They also brought up the excellent point of deception that went on at the demo booths.

It clearly stated XBOX ONE in bright glowing letters above the demo booth and the people were handed the Xbone Controllers.

When in reality people were playing on High end PCs running windows 7 (Xbone OS is supposed to be windows 8 based) where the graphics card alone costs about as much as the whole system they are supposed to represent.

In Topic: The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

18 June 2013 - 12:05 PM

Thats actually a different trick called instancing. You use instancing when you arent meeting the necessary performance/need to boost performance.

Typically its used for rocks or trees, or other typically non unique non noticable background assets. You can typically alter parameters, like size, or textures.... which wasnt done at all here.

Instancing speeds up performance by simply copying the same vertex data over and over and over again, instead of processing hundreds of unique sets of data.

Pikmin 3 uses instancing, but it doesnt use billboarding, according to miyamoto, each individual pikmin is controlled by its own ai.



I thought it was found out that the Xbone demos all ran on PC Hardware that is like 4-5x as powerful.


Does this mean the Hardware used never was maxed out to give a more realistic Xbone demo?


This also raises the question why they would opt for such High performance Demo stations that even ran on non AMD hardware?


only reason i can think of is they are gonna pull an Aliens Colonial Marines on us and make the released games look way worse than what they have shown this E3.

In Topic: The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

17 June 2013 - 01:02 PM

That is a textbook example of billboarding. Really bad billboarding, theres actually at least 5 more instances not circled.

You usee billboarding when you have the gpu power to display lots of models, but dont have the cpu power/ai know how to give them all ai, you make several groups all doing the same exact thing at the same time, and spread them out so the user doesnt notice.

yeah there isnt a single unique warrior on the whole battle field, they're all clones of 3 or 4  different models actually

In Topic: The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

17 June 2013 - 10:44 AM

AydA1KL.jpgI don't know what this tells us about the Xbone but i find it very entertaining



In Topic: Wii U FPS Drop?

30 May 2013 - 03:13 AM

hmm I just thought of this.


The PS4 and Xbone both don't support BC because they couldn't handle the code written for the PS3 and Xbox360 hardware, not because they're weak but because the architecture is so different.

So my guess would be if devs were to port games from this gen to the next the Ps4 and 360 in a similar fashion they do for wii u they would suffer from hick ups as well? 

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