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Member Since 02 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2013 11:47 PM

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In Topic: Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

07 January 2013 - 01:55 PM

according to ign its released on my birthday, feb 12th, hope my wife is reading this! WANT IT! lol

In Topic: new system help

07 January 2013 - 01:51 PM

ok, i was told by customer service that they will allow me to use my original account again, but can take upto 1 month to do this,
the 2 purchases i made which were trine 2 and nano assult i am not allowed to have, as these games are locked to the console.
the licence for the game is owned by nintendo, there is no way they can transfer them for me.

im a bit dissapointed in nintendo for this as the other 2 systems out there allow you to deactivate and then later in the year re-activate
and download your content again.

i explained to the rep that i would never buy another digital download again off nintendo, and was considering selling my wii u
as there stopping me using content i paid for and should own.

even if i had backed up my purchases onto an external drive it still would not have worked as its locked to the console you purchase
it on.

hope this clears a few things up, cheers

In Topic: new system help

07 January 2013 - 02:16 AM

ok update, have just spoke to nintendo, i can now use my original account as there going to unlink my old account so i can use it on my new console, BUT, they will not transfer my purchases of trine 2 and nano assult to my new console as they say they cant do that.

so whoever stole my console also has access to my 2 games i paid for, and nintendo will not do anything about it,
well done nintendo, a good way of looking after your paying customers!

In Topic: new system help

06 January 2013 - 01:56 AM

cheers guys

dam not open on a sunday, will have to call in the morning.

In Topic: new system help

05 January 2013 - 02:51 PM

i have just found out the contact number so shall be calling them in the morning, cheers

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