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Member Since 03 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2013 08:54 PM

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In Topic: Official Wii U specs and technical discussions thread

17 January 2013 - 08:29 PM

At some point console leaders have to put price point ahead of graphics.. Hardware tech is advancing so fast , the latest tech is always super expensive.
I think Nintendo is just ahead on this , if the others want to blow them out of the water with high tech gfx ect, their units I think would cost too much for the average joe..

Thats not to say they wont out perform, they are still in development and will have more options and slightly cheaper prices, but I dont think it will be the 2x to 4x better thats beings rumored.

Its possible wii u will be treated like the WII, thats unfortunate but I did enjoy the wii, and ill enjoy the wii u. Nintendo exclusives are always a lot of fun anyway. By the time the next consoles come up ill be able to get one of those too if I want to.. I had the ps3 and wii. So all the comparison stuff is a non issue for me.. I like wii u because I like nintendo games, hainvg games like ZombieU and BO2 are just icing on the cake.

In Topic: Next Gen Graphics?

29 December 2012 - 09:03 PM

First gen WII wtf

That would be the first Nintendo Wii (first gen - non hd) the Wii U being their second Hardware unit with the Wii title.. why was that not clear?
Anyway, I think those scenes are real time in game shots for the reasons already stated.

In Topic: Next Gen Graphics?

29 December 2012 - 12:12 PM

Those look great but they are all obviously from cutscenes.

You must be used to first gen Wii Graphics, those are easily real time shots. If you look at them you can tell
the geometry is not super high poly, what is making those scenes so great are first and foremost scene design,
then beutiful high res textures, finally some good shaders for lighting and shadows.. I see nothing that had to be
pre rendered.

In Topic: Next Gen Graphics?

28 December 2012 - 09:12 PM

I think Sacrilegium will show the WII U off. Its cross platform but I think its texture quality and effects will outshine the XBOX and PS3 versions. If you go to the site
the screenshots I think must be PC , and I would bet WII U will most closely hit the PC quality compared to the other consoles.

In Topic: Wii U Pro Controller disapointment, needs a fix!

20 December 2012 - 11:08 PM

If the Gamepad was optional that would defeat most of the purpose of the Wii U being original. Sorry but I disagree with your opinion.

I wasnt speaking of the tablet controller in any of my post. Just wiimotes and the pro controller

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