As you probably already know, there is a restriction on the downloads of +18 age content on the european e-shop to 11 pm-3 am.
Does anyone know if those games are playable at any time of the day or if only during the 4 hours window?
This topic should not be in this section :S sorry about that
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- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Zenarium
Member Since 06 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Dec 19 2012 12:58 AM
About Me
I am just another big fan of Nintendo.
I also play on PC and have an Youtube channel:
And I like cookies!
My race on Mario Kart 7 is about to start, bye!
I also play on PC and have an Youtube channel:
And I like cookies!
My race on Mario Kart 7 is about to start, bye!
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- Member Title Goomba
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday July 15, 1995
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Games, cookies, games, computers, Heavy Metal and games.
COD, Nintendo and valve games
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Downloads restriction question
10 December 2012 - 03:16 AM
Helloooo everyone!
06 December 2012 - 04:11 AM
I am zenarium, real life name: Diogo, I am 17, I am from Portugal and I am saving money to buy a Wii U.
I will give you my Wii U friend conde when I have one and for now you can add me on your 3Ds. 3Ds
Friend code: 2019-9772-0094 --> If you add me send me a private mensage with your friend code.
I am selling some stuff I don't need to buy the Wii is the list:
Drawn to Life
Drawn to Life: The next chapter
Pokemon Pearl Version
Pokemon Soulsilver
GTA Chinatown Wars
Nintendo Touch Golf
Rhytm paradise
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Nintendo DS Browser
Rayman anniversary( advance and 3)
Spider man 2 pack( 1 and 2)
Ghost Rider
Kill Switch
Pokemon Emerald
The Sims 2 : náufragos
Battle field 2 modern combat
God of War 2
Dragon Age
Battlefield 2142( deluxe edition)
Transformers: The game
Ds lite ice blue- limited edition com 2 stylus
Gameboy Advance SP
I am also an Youtuber. Here is the link for my channel:

I am zenarium, real life name: Diogo, I am 17, I am from Portugal and I am saving money to buy a Wii U.
I will give you my Wii U friend conde when I have one and for now you can add me on your 3Ds. 3Ds
Friend code: 2019-9772-0094 --> If you add me send me a private mensage with your friend code.
I am selling some stuff I don't need to buy the Wii is the list:
Drawn to Life
Drawn to Life: The next chapter
Pokemon Pearl Version
Pokemon Soulsilver
GTA Chinatown Wars
Nintendo Touch Golf
Rhytm paradise
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Nintendo DS Browser
Rayman anniversary( advance and 3)
Spider man 2 pack( 1 and 2)
Ghost Rider
Kill Switch
Pokemon Emerald
The Sims 2 : náufragos
Battle field 2 modern combat
God of War 2
Dragon Age
Battlefield 2142( deluxe edition)
Transformers: The game
Ds lite ice blue- limited edition com 2 stylus
Gameboy Advance SP
I am also an Youtuber. Here is the link for my channel:
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