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Member Since 06 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2013 10:14 PM

Topics I've Started

Black Ops 2 connection/server drop outs

31 December 2012 - 11:28 PM

Approx how many times a week or even a day if it's persistent enough does your Black Ops 2 multiplayer game drop out?  Either Migrating Hosts then it drops or if it just loses a connection?  This is getting beyond a joke.

UEFA Champions League

07 December 2012 - 03:06 AM

Hey guys, do any posters follow the UEFA Champions League? If so, which team do you support or whom do you think will win this year?

My top 4 would be: Barcelona, Real Madrid, Borussia Dortmund (Darkhorse), Bayern Munich.

DOA Console after update - No Video

06 December 2012 - 04:48 AM

Hey guys - I purchased the new Nintendo Wii U today and want to share my experience thus far

I've owned Nintendo consoles including; NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy, Game Cube, Wii and now the Wii U.

My experience didn't start off the best, the console worked ok... until I decided to complete the update which were available.

The update took approx. 1hr, the console supposably were to restart afterwards but unfortunately never did boot up again. To clarify - the blue LED light were on the console so there were obviously power but NO video.

Tried multiple HDMI ports and cables, power cycled the console for about 2mins - still no video.

I decided to try on another TV and issue still occurred.

A message on the Wii U Gamepad suggested that it could not connect to the console and to try turning the game pad off and moving closer to the console --- i'm not that stupid.

I decided to call Nintendo support, whom weren't really helpful - they didn't know what the blue LED meant on the front of the console - I would've thought they'd raise this issue to their Engineering group.

It appeared that the console were classed defective, or I would suggest it would be a bricked console after the update. The reseller decided to replace my console no questions asked and now I'm finally playing Black Ops II ;)

If anyone else has experienced this issue, feel free to let me know!

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