Well just wanted to say hello! So cool to be with all you fellow wii u users I'm so excited with my new wii u! I have some unfortunate HDMI issues basically it doesn't work through HDMI So a google search led me to these forums, I posted already in the relevent section details about my problem in hardware help, but I saw a message saying I should introduce myself to everyone so, well, hi everybody!
My name is Nemr and I love gaming I'm also a stand up comedian so if you ever wanna laugh let me know
I can connect my wii u to my TV through my old component cable from my Wii no problem and it gives 1080P reotangerineion.
But through HDMi, nothing. It simplys says no signal make sure your TV is connected or something like that. I've dont some research and actually found there are many people with this problem emerging.
I tried everything, different HDMI cables, tested the one I'm using on other HD devices it works fine, I hooked up to my four different ports on my TV still nothing, tried through my HD receiever on all port which is LPCM compatible, nothing, tried different TV's, still nothing.
Does anyone have any idea about this? Did it happen to you?
I should also mention that even though I can connect through my component cable the screen was flickering and acting up especially in certain menus until I changed the resolution for the wii u through the cable to 1080i
Something seems to be funky with how the wii u sends HD data, makes me wonder if this is all a software issue?