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Member Since 14 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2012 03:32 AM

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In Topic: Surge protector , UPS or line conditioner?

14 December 2012 - 03:03 AM

There are differences in cables such as transfer rates and depending on your version of HDMI. Yes, there are different versions of HDMI 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4. If your TV supports HDMI 1.4 and you buy let's say a cable that is 1.0 then your picture is limited. It would take too long to explain all the differences but the cable you buy absolutely matters, you don't need to buy persay a monster or high priced cable you just need to buy the RIGHT cable for the version of HDMI for your television. If your television supports anything higher than 1.0 then you want to buy the correct cable in that revision number but don't waste your money or time buying one higher (example if your television supports HDMI 1.2 don't buy a revision lower and also don't buy the revision higher.

Do yourself a favor follow this Wiki link and read the revisions portion for a longer and more indepth explanation of why it absolutely makes a difference but remember you don't need to buy high priced cables just the correct revision. I'll provide a link for where I purchase my cables, they're low priced but their quality is very good, Monoprice has served me well in the past.

In Topic: Nintendo may release a larger battery pack for the Gamepad.

14 December 2012 - 02:48 AM

I haven't had any issues with mine, I dont need to sit there and game for more than 4 hours anyway. Those days are long gone but if it was to happen say if switching users then I'd just charge it and use the Pro controller. I just hope they release a Pro controller with a headphone jack.

In Topic: My Wii U has bricked, here is my story.

14 December 2012 - 02:44 AM

That's one thing I always give Nintendo credit for, their customer service is by far the best I've ever had to deal with bar none. I had to return a Nintendo DS for a dead pixel twice and both times I actually received a DS in the mail with a return box for my busted DS (yes they actually mailed me a new one before I sent mine in). I paid for nothing out of my pocket which was fantastic as I shouldn't have to, Same thing happened with my 3DS with same results.

I've dealt with Microsoft customer service and it was also pretty good when I needed the original Xbox repaired (my 360 never crapped out and I got mine at launch, I considered myself to be one of the very few lucky first gen 360 owners) but my gripe with them was back in the past when I wanted to cancel my Xbox Live service I had to re-register a different name to use the silver service, It's been years and there is something I am forgetting but I just remember I couldn't use the silver service because it wouldn't activate for 2 weeks after cancelling. I'm not sure if that has changed but I thought that was some bull that they restricted me from using that username on my 360 for 2 weeks. I loved my 360 but I ended up trading it in after not being able to play multiplayer games without having to shell out more money to their Live service, I'm a PC gamer and lifelong gamer & I don't think I should have to pay for a service just to play the online portion when on every single other console and on the PC the multiplayer is included in the game price but that is a whole different story.

As for Sony, their customer service is by far the worst & don't get me wrong I absolutely love my PS3 but when I signed up to test their music service I wasn't impressed and I cancelled it but it was never cancelled on their end for whatever reason. When I saw the charge the following month on my credit card bill (the very same day it was charged) I asked them to cancel it and refund me since it was the first day of service (first of the month) I should be credited. They flat out refused and I was stuck having t pay for something I wasn't going to use for a month. I also had to manually cancel it again in my PS3 but hidden deep within the account options, real stupid way of doing this instead of just having a cancel on the service itself but I knew where it was regardless because I had cancelled during the free demo period which I explained to the Customer Service representative on the other end of the line. They didn't care, they flat out refused to credit me in the end.

This is the reason why I have always praised Nintendo's customer service, I always feel like I'm valued as a customer. That's how it should be and it's the only reason I don't take the yearly insurance option when buying a system or handheld when I purchase a new Nintendo product because I know the warranty with Nintendo is more than enough.

Am I fan of Nintendo? Yes absolutely I grew up with the system from day one and I'm a gamer but I'm far from a blind fanboy who will defend their moves if it is a bad move or dumb move. I was one of the biggest critics of the Wii when they didn't include HD. I don't need games to be graphically superior but i expect them to be on par with the standard that is out at the time so i feel I had a right to be a little ticked but without a doubt I'm a huge fan of how they handle customer's. The only system not in my entertainment system is a 360, the experience with their customer service made sure I would never buy another Microsoft system along with being forced into paying for a service I don't want when all I want is to be able to play the online portion of the games I bought & I play my FPS games on my PC so makes no sense to own their system since Fabel imho sucked but I did love Forza. I've never had issues with Sony hardware so they will always have me coming back to buyt heir systems but never on day one because of the outrageous pricing they always put on their systems.

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