I'm getting much better network downloads speeds on the USB network adapter with the latest update, gone from 2M to 20M+, much better.
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Member Since 19 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Jul 31 2013 08:28 AM
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In Topic: Wii U update is live!
27 April 2013 - 03:00 AM
In Topic: Wii U update is live!
26 April 2013 - 01:49 AM
Just installed the update but now I have no TV picture, gamepad is working ok, update downloaded and installed without any problems.
I've tried different cables/port on the TV, still nothing, very odd. It was working fine before the update.
In Topic: WiFi works better than a Wii LAN/ethernet adapter! [FIXED ON WiiU OS 3.0]
11 April 2013 - 12:17 AM
On an 80Mbit BT Infinity internet connection I can only get 1.5-2Mbit out of the USB network adapter, on wifi it's about 5-10Mbit. I'm hoping Nintendo have sorted this in the upcoming speedup update.
I use the USB network adapter most of the time, it works best for playing Black Ops online, wifi seems to drop in and out even though the Wii U is only a few metres from the wifi router.
I wish Nintendo had put a gigiabit network port on the Wii U (and an optical audio output), it would have cost pence.
In Topic: Need for Speed: Most Wanted U [Criterion 'definitive' version]
21 March 2013 - 06:24 AM
Just got my copy, had a quick look and compared it to the PS3 demo, looks noticeably better to me, much better anti-aliasing/less jaggies and much sharper looking. I'll be giving it a good blast later tonight.
In Topic: Need for Speed: Most Wanted U [Criterion 'definitive' version]
19 March 2013 - 05:31 AM
Just spotted this review http://gamingtrend.c...anted-u-review/
I was a bit surprised the review says the graphics are worse than other console versions. I'll be able to check this for myself later this week, got the PS3 demo to compare it against.
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