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Member Since 21 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active May 16 2013 12:18 PM

#188404 Incoming Pokemon X & Y news

Posted by Blade of Dyna on 30 March 2013 - 07:11 PM


#184467 iwata seriously needs to step down

Posted by MorbidGod on 20 March 2013 - 04:20 AM

hes clearly stuck in the 90s and has no clue what modern gamers are or what their interested in nintendo needs to get rid of it stubborness its habit of rehasing games its family friendly image and its reluctance to graphics and third partys the gaming industry does not take nintendo seriously and its to the point where people only by nintendo consol for first party games iwate is blind to what goes on in the gaming community and needs to step down and allow someone new to bring nintendo up to modern times and make nintendo the respectable company it once was

I don't get how EA, Activision, and others can rehash the same game over and over yet Nintendo does it (and does it better than others) and somehow Nintendo is wrong.

#181952 Miyamoto on game violence, Wii U's future and more

Posted by Hunter on 12 March 2013 - 11:15 AM

I agree that violence in video games have reached an all time high and kids are extremely violent nowadays but it's not just games to blame, you can get a lot of violent stuff in films and especially the internet. Plus, kids should not be playing Call of Duty or Borderlands. I am a kid and I have never brought an 18 rated game and I do believe that a lot of people in my school are violent and aggressive.


There is a lot more violence in the real world than there is in video games and films. How can people shield their children (or themselves) from violence in the media when their country is participating in an illegal war? The government likes to use the media as a scapegoat to cover up their mistakes and distract people from whats really happening in the world.


People were violent long before video games and films became violent. We always have, and always will, have evil psychopaths who spread violence around the world. There is nothing we can do about it unfortunately.

#180204 is it true the wii u will be destroyed by ps4?

Posted by routerbad on 07 March 2013 - 10:12 AM

No.  It isn't that much more powerful first of all.  Second, we are in diminishing returns territory and any gains in power aren't going to translate directly into more detailed graphical performance in game.  Third, PS4 will have much more going on in the background than the Wii U, so much of the extra RAM and compute power will be reserved for those tasks.  Fourth, we don't exactly know the raw power potential of the Wii U, we can suppose things based on what we know about the GPU and CPU dies, but those numbers don't make any sense when we see trailers like X, which is a pre-alpha trailer that shows a massive amount of detail in an open world that would require more power than what many believe the Wii U to possess.


They will be graphically on par with each other.  Later in the generation, When the hardware is fully understood on both consoles, developers will most likely be able to eke out better LOD or higher poly counts but they won't be visually discernable details from a gameplay perspective.  The Wii U is much more powerful than both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, that much has already been shown.  The ports that came with the launch were developed toward weaker target hardware and most developers received dev kits very late (last 6 months) because the hardware wasn't finalized until shortly before launched.

#164194 Wind Waker HD Screenshots

Posted by kris1206 on 28 January 2013 - 01:31 PM

They can change some stuff if they like. But don't they DARE touch the soundtrack or the core gameplay!

I love the soundtrack but I want it to be orchestrated.

Anyways... I cannot wait for this to come out, I wonder how they'll change the tingle game boy thingy which i don't actually know what it does, to make it work for the U.
I wonder what pot head woman is doing in Windfall Island, she is not supposed to be there. Also there is really dark patches in the sea, which could be instead of the shiny rings.

I wonder what the pigs look like in this.
Maybe they should do a extended version of the ghost ship as an actual dungeon and then do another one for the other half of the triforce map. (There should just be two or three triforce maps, still 7/8 shards though). Or maybe just a massive dungeon to get the triforce in hyrule (Maybe the true temple of time)

#151302 Favorite Legend of Zelda game?

Posted by kevinderp on 24 December 2012 - 09:14 AM

So your saying you enjoy it when they take a Zelda game, add awful unresponsive controls, then to make it worse take our beloved hero and make him look like a homosexual?

The controls were responsive and you sound like you're 12. Sit down.

Back on topic,
1) Windwaker
2) Skyward Sword
3) OoT

#151275 Favorite Legend of Zelda game?

Posted by Hunter on 24 December 2012 - 07:34 AM

So your saying you enjoy it when they take a Zelda game, add awful unresponsive controls, then to make it worse take our beloved hero and make him look like a homosexual?

1. You seem to be in the minority with the control problems, most people have had no major issues with it.
2. Can you please explain what a homosexual looks like? As far as i was aware homosexuality has nothing to do with how someone looks.


I think my favourite Zelda would be Ocarina of Time, then it would be Majoras Mask or Skyward Sword in 2nd place. Cant decide.

#150998 Elder Scrolls on Wii U?

Posted by Dragon on 23 December 2012 - 04:14 AM

Imagine using your gamepad as the pipboy.

That's what I've been wondering.

Dear Bethesda.....

Posted Image

#149350 See how many people like you...

Posted by Blake on 18 December 2012 - 02:42 PM

Posted Image

#149351 See how many people like you...

Posted by Goom on 18 December 2012 - 02:42 PM

Bros, Please everybody likes THE Goomba B)

no one likes this comment...

#149349 See how many people like you...

Posted by Goom on 18 December 2012 - 02:41 PM

Bros, Please everybody likes THE Goomba B)

#149344 See how many people like you...

Posted by Expansion Pak on 18 December 2012 - 02:39 PM

Who likes me?

#150749 Elder Scrolls on Wii U?

Posted by Waluigi on 22 December 2012 - 08:18 AM

I'd love to see games like Skyrim and TES Online go on the Wii U. Also..... Fallout 4.

Imagine using your gamepad as the pipboy.

#1266 Origin of your username

Posted by Wertville on 04 March 2011 - 07:23 PM

I chose my username because I needed a new username... (You would too if you were previously known as DemonDad5(I'm 16 NOW. I used this 5-6 years ago! Of course I'm not!))

So I decided to use my Animal Crossing town's name! :D
And I've stuck with it since. People often think the name odd, but I think it's pretty awesome.

Also, if you're wondering where the town name came from... You know how the gamecube didn't have a keyboard? Well I'm a bit lazy... So I didn't want to move to the other side of the screen in order to make a fancy name. Now look at the first 5 letters of the keyboard. Obviously Qwertville would just be Qwierd :D

#150709 wii u cpu and gpu clock speed.

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 22 December 2012 - 01:18 AM

I'd bet my left nut that several of the tech nuts on this forum have already read this, or articles stating the same thing (heck, even I don't really get into this console tech numbers nonsense and know Marcan cracked it).

There's nothing wrong with this thread per se, and despite it not really looking like it, these types of thread have been flamebait in recent days. The brawl over specification discussion is ridiculous.

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