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Member Since 27 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2012 05:34 AM

Topics I've Started

Gamepad range extender

27 December 2012 - 03:25 AM


I am looking at developing a wifi (5ghz) shield similar the the DIY wifi range extenders that people have been putting together.

I guess that most of the consoles out there are installed in the corner of a typical room and the radio signals emitted from them are absorbed by the two walls and equipment surrounding the console.

While the device will not increase the power of the radio signal the shield will, in effect, bounce back the radio signals back into the room toward the gamepad, hopefully extending the range.

The shield can be made relatively cheaply with aluminium foil / tape and formed to grip the rear of the console.

What do people think...? Is there or will there be a market for such a device....?

Happy wii ing

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