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Member Since 29 Dec 2012Offline Last Active May 11 2014 01:25 AM
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- Member Title Shoto Killer
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In Topic: What famous person/legend did you feel the most sad when they died?
11 August 2013 - 11:18 PM
In Topic: What are the best job search engines/sites?
11 August 2013 - 09:14 PM
I'm not sure to be honest. I've never found a job from using search engines EVER.
Though, I've used them to get ideas of what jobs are actually hiring.
Say if like.... Snag-a-job posts that Pizza Hut is hiring, instead of applying for Pizza Hut through Snag-a-job, give the actual location of the Pizza Hut that you're considering applying at a call and ask them yourself if they are hiring. Do the same for every other place your considering working at.
Like I said before, these job search engines have NEVER worked for me, but have worked in giving me ideas of places to apply at.
Only submit applications to jobs that specifically tell you to apply online at a certain website.
In Topic: Wonderful 101 is the reason to own a Wii U
10 August 2013 - 01:38 PM
Worked just fine in okami. You just seem adverse to learning new things, because in order to get good at something new, you first have to be bad at it. But you REALLY dont like thinking or figuring things out. You want everything done for you.
If you DID actually try to learn things on your own, you would have mitigated your dislike for having to draw so much by equipping the unite force gem, and simply held down the a button to max size your unite weapon, instead of drawing people in.
Not liking a style of game is COMPLETELY different than pretending you are awesome at this style of game and thus state you can tell its 'shallow' and 'poorly done' when you dont have the first clue how to play.
That would be either a silver or bronze medal.
Which would be B.ad or C.rappy in the viewtiful joe rankings that started the rank structure. And thats with lucking out with platinums on 2 puzzle missions you almost cant get less on. The game knows you button mashed. Congratulations, you made it through a demo by button mashing and got a horrible score.
Unless you learn how to play, you wont make it past the tutorial level of a platinum/clover action game. This ISNT a grasshopper/suda game.
I can't wait to hear their thoughts once Bayonetta 2 comes out.
In Topic: Should SSB abandon casual players?
09 August 2013 - 08:01 PM
It'd be nice to see them "abondon casual players" for me...
but it wouldn't be smart for them to do it.
In Topic: How many Wii U games do you have?
09 August 2013 - 07:59 PM
Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros U, Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Resident Evil Revelations, Pikmin 3
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