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Member Since 31 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Jan 02 2013 05:16 AM
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In Topic: help cannot connect to virgin superhub
02 January 2013 - 05:15 AM
John, cheers for the info. I have now finally updated, purely thru perseverance (constantly trying again & again until eventually it accepted and carried on downloading). Perhaps Dazzy can use this when he manages to connect. thanks again for the info though.
In Topic: help cannot connect to virgin superhub
01 January 2013 - 12:48 PM
Dazzy, have you tried 'Manually' configuring the settings first; reading all other forums etc, everybody seems to have to do it this way - the following is what I used off other links and the Nintendo site also:
use this link and follow it exactly as it states: http://www.nintendos...onnection-setup (last option for connection to VM SH)
My problem was then that it would not allow updates; all I can say is, keep trying it and eventually it will (should) accept it (this took me a few days, but once it does the updates, you're home & dry!)
Best of luck, stick with it using the above.
use this link and follow it exactly as it states: http://www.nintendos...onnection-setup (last option for connection to VM SH)
My problem was then that it would not allow updates; all I can say is, keep trying it and eventually it will (should) accept it (this took me a few days, but once it does the updates, you're home & dry!)
Best of luck, stick with it using the above.
In Topic: help cannot connect to virgin superhub
31 December 2012 - 04:04 AM
another user here, like many, who could not connect wii-u to virgin superhub. I have tried the details as listed (also on Nintendo web) and great, this has worked; it shows I have a connection to the server & the internet (passed this test); however, when I then do updates, gets to about 75% then stops, saying unable to connect to server, try again later (error code ending 0144). Stuck now as to how to do updates (have tried several times). Anybody any ideas on how to overcome this? (my internet connection is the 60mb speed). Thanks.
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