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Member Since 08 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2013 07:16 AM

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In Topic: Mysterious Wii U HD Experience -- Mario Kart? (could be fake)

11 January 2013 - 12:30 AM

I just love how everyone is like

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on the internet... :D

In Topic: Mysterious Wii U HD Experience -- Mario Kart? (could be fake)

08 January 2013 - 09:59 PM

1st rule for gaf Is to not trust gaf. That site is a cesspool and you need to be cautious on what you read there .

gaf is the best example of what's wrong with gaming and the internet these days. rainbowstorm, rainbowstorm and even more rainbowstorm.

In Topic: Mysterious Wii U HD Experience -- Mario Kart? (could be fake)

08 January 2013 - 06:02 AM

First things first... Happy new Year!

Second: It sure is interesting how some stuff is being (re)distributed on the internet.

Mann...this is SO LAME! I could make a more convincing fake than this. Look at the jagged lines on that 1st place marker. The map on the game pad looks pasted on..not to mention the idea of it just having a map is already lame-o. I would have it so that you can choose from an inventory and then have it so you can switch to a map if need be.

I am dissapoint.

Proof, or you cannot. Anyways, that was a "boring 2-minute-add-on" to show a possible concept without any attempt to make it very high quality (not like the renderings for the screens - of course besides the fact I am not a pro at making 3d models and 3d animations), not to mention the original image of that tablet-concept is way smaller, making the edges not that rough. Was scaling it up for the image this screen came from (as seen on DA). Anyways, you sure know the difference between concept/layout and final, yes?

How can you be so sure the concept is not about "changing the display on the tablet"? You see just a map on the pic - that's all. You don't know what I did write about that idea, etc. You see something and start to bawl out, or something like that. I don't wanna be rude here, but that seems very typical for the internet these days.
At neogaf some people come up with "that's crap! since when do you accelerate with the Y-button". Yeah, they see the image, the thumb of the guy is on the Y-button, but did you ever think about the fact this could be a demo and the guy is just holding the tablet? NOOOO! Well, "of course" you cannot hold any controller, for example at the start screen of a game, and some gameplay-preview is playing on it's own, eh?
Another example: some comments at those Zelda-MockUps. "How can you be so silly and ruin a perfect fake with a stupid typo in the title" (I was writing THE Ocarina of Time and THE Skyward Sword). Know what? Guess people did not notice I did redesign the whole logos (If I wanted to fool people, why didn't I use the official Logos?). That's called "artistic freedom". While doing that redesigns I added "THE"s before the titles, because IMO it sounds better and it worked with the new Logos quite well. Nobody cares about that. People just see something and rainbowstorm almost everything without even thinking about the possibilities that did lead to the images. Always take the most simple solution and use every chance for rainbowstorm (i love that word <3). Thank you internet...!

Back to Mario Kart: That image was made before the Wii U was released, so OF COURSE it's still the old tablet. And the screenshots? They were made before the Wii U was revealed - as a side-effect of the "Luigi Mansion Redux (aka Adventure)"-project. It was obvious there would be some HD-console some day so I did try some "how could Mario Kart look in HD"-stuff, including a logo. If you take a look at the screens you will notice the buttons of the interface are based on the Wiimote, not the tablet.

Anyways, about the tablet use: Having icons to use (by touching them) on the tablet still seems off to me at this one. I was more aiming at the tablet being the new "wheel", with helping informations on the display. Touching some icons while using both hands for steering feels weird to me, but there could be other informations on the display as well.

That being said: Sometimes it is better NOT to be so fast with some verdict.

Even if this weren't such an outlandish concept, It would be veryeasy to tell, becuase of the way the gamelooks. The track isn't wide enough, the HUD looks terrible, and the Gamepad (at least I hope it will be) used in a better way.

Shortcuts tend to be not as wide as the main track. Don't trust me? Here, take some main track.

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lol. Why do people fake stuff. Waste all day and night making a fake so that a hand full of people will fall for it.
Anyways i am betting a mario kart will be out in 2013. And it should look great.
I can see nintedo doing a mix of the wii version and the ds

I am not doing it for faking or for people to fall. If you fall for my stuff, its your own fault. I clearly do mention all the time these things are not official, not from nintendo and not of any commercial use. As for the 3D-works: I am doing it to gain more experience with 3D and I am doing this with some of my beloved game-series. The only real thing of that Nintendo-stuff so far is the Luigi one. Maybe one of the others will follow, but Luigi is taking enough of my time.

Exactly as I thought it's the Zelda HD experience. Here is where the image is from (the images are non linkable) http://www.dasauge.d...a-bi-rendering/ rendered by someone called Andreas Rödig a.k.a wAsa-bi. Google is a great friend! :)

Next time, just click the source (neogaf). You can easily get a link to DA there. Maybe even IGN or the official homepage.

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