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Member Since 30 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2013 02:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hi Everyone!

01 February 2013 - 11:33 PM

Hryo! I love your username! Peach is the best princess out there! I played all the systems a while back, but now I'm really just into Nintendo. Nintendo offers the best experiences out all the gaming companies. There is hardly ever a Nintendo game that I don't like.

So what kind of games are you into?

I am into various games.. I am still considering which one to get on tuesday when my credit card clears.... I am torn right now between Nintendo Land, Mario, or Skylanders because I wanted a game that i can communicate with the community but also be able to perhaps be more interactive. I am still new with the community and tried to ask around and got various responses but given that I am waiting on my student loan deferrment to process and be clear for 2013 and end next year, I am trying to be choosy in which games has the lasting value... Its hard given the economy but I hope to make lasting purchases so that when I do find a game i really like for the U i can afford it.

In Topic: Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

01 February 2013 - 12:56 AM

Finally got my ID tonight... I claimed : power_peach :) so anyone who wants to be friends I'll be glad to have you. I am getting used to things and in the next few days I should have my first Wii U game.

In Topic: Hi Everyone!

31 January 2013 - 07:45 PM

Well it only costed me 17.11 but I ended up buying the 8GB system .. Im still sitting through the system update after 30 minutes but I am happy to have the baby home and able to play the wii games at least.  I will not be getting any "U" games until my credit card payment clears.  However, at least now i can establish a U name and get used to mii verse and such before buying the games .. My trade-ins came to 278 but the irony... my Anime games sold the highest out of my whole collection! XD Anime FTW!

In Topic: Hi Everyone!

31 January 2013 - 01:44 PM

Thank you for the warm welcome

I hope my introduction wasnt too long..  I like to give an overall about myself but apparently i guess it is a bit much for the community and for that I apologize, sometimes its hard to gauge people's reactions to things especially online, but anyways I hope more people respond because I would hate to feel alone in such a wonderful community.  Anyways i hope to get the wii U soon and make new friends :)

In Topic: Your first game system?

30 January 2013 - 10:21 PM

My first gaming system was the "Sega Genesis" i was handed down the NES from my uncle when he moved out of the house. I remember it was 1988 when I got the system because I came down with Pneumonia that winter and my uncle bought me the "genesis" as a present to get well and ever since then I have been a gamer ever since and played over 100 titles for it and stupidly sold it to buy a "PS2" to play what else but Final Fantasy X then ended up getting a game cube later on and not really feeling it I ended up addicting myself to the PS2 with such titles as Baulder's Gate: Deadly Alliance and Xenosaga Series (which to this day i will hold dear to my heart) and still own it thank god. However, if anything i always been a "gaymer" not just a gamer XD but that was my first system.

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