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Member Since 03 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 03 2013 06:12 AM

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My wii u 3 months in. Not ecstatic.

03 February 2013 - 06:11 AM

I've had my wii u since release day and I just can't enjoy it. I searched for similar problems from other users but I guess I must be alone in my gripes, hopefully somebody can tell me where I'm going wrong.. :)

It all seemed great: HD graphics, proper joypad, user profiles to separate everything out, etc, but to me everything is just not right. Essentially, I don't mind the now known limitations of the cpu, the lack of games so far, etc I just hate the gamepad/pro controller buttons (not what you think) and the use of save slots.

Controller (gamepad or pro)
I have no issues with the buttons being below the thumb stick, in some ways it makes it more sense given the primary button (A) is opposite to most other controllers and so now despite being the opposite way round it is the first button you get to when you move your thumb down, making it the same layout as say an xbox or PS3.

My issue is with ergonomics and comfort. On my xbox/ps3 when I slide my thumb from the right-analog stick I reach the primary A/Cross button immediately and all three other buttons are just a tiny slide of the thumb. On the gamepad or pro, do the same and you get X not A (i.e. the most used button is not the first you get to) and sliding only gives you Y. To get to A or B you have to do thumb gymnastics, you simply cannot slide your thumb. Either you have to force your thumb into a right-angle or dangle your right hand off the side of the controller. It's not intuitive or quick. I might have big hands, but the goes for the kids with little hands. No matter what layout, the main button A should be the first and easiest button to get to.

Since the beginning we've had game slots on Nintendo and I've hated them. Mostly because you get three slots and we are all gamers in my house so two people who have to do without. When profiles arrived I thought "get it, saves per person". Crank up Super Mario Bros Wii U and what do you get? three save slots. Why? It's just stupid beyond stupid. Given the majority of releases will be Nintendo games, this is probably the same for all of them :(  I appreciate you can swap usb drives, but that's not convenient or intuitive.

Super Mario Bros
While I'm talking about SMB, I love SMB but some things really annoy me on top of the lack of saving to a profile...

1. I can use a wii remote or the gamepad to play single player, so why can't I use the pro? the pro is no different to the gamepad in terms of buttons or controls.

2. When I play 2 players or more (normal multi-player not one making platforms appear) they all have to use the wii remote, why can't I use the gamepad for one of them? On top of that, when you do play just with wii remotes, the screen is still on burning the battery on the gamepad and using up it's life for no reason. You'd think you could just switch it off.

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