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Member Since 06 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2014 01:11 PM

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In Topic: What is Skylanders like?

06 February 2013 - 04:04 PM

This is my first post here for this forum...and I am having problem with this game (for my kids).

Just start few days ago...the system get error code "150-1031". It's about error reading the disc. I took the disc out and clean it..put back in and it worked for little bit ...then get the same error later. Somtimes the kids can play fine for hours and when they get the error and the keep getting the error. I called Nintendo already and told them that the disc got couple scratches..then they said the problem is the scratches and told me to call Activision...called Activision and they said the scratches may be the problem..they told me to test the disc with other system..but I dont know anyone around here that has Wii U.. If I dont get the error from other systems then the problem is the Wii U system that can read the disc....Well, dont know what to do now. i already exchange the disc (the whole starter kit) at Walmart without receipt (I lost it)..they let me exchange once..dont know I can exchange again...
Anyone has problem with this game?

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