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Member Since 22 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2013 01:01 AM

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In Topic: Guys, knock it off.

04 April 2013 - 03:33 AM

When the PS4 was announced I finally made the decision  to buy the Wii U, this because it seems that the only real thing the PS4 is adding is a bit more power. I think the graphics of the current gen is great and that the Wii U has great graphics as well, so, no reason to buy the PS4 or XBOX720 over the Wii U for me. I totally like the Wii U, though the 3DS has gotten the best games for now (which is only logical), back to Luigi's Mansion now!

In Topic: Hybrid Downloadable Games?

29 March 2013 - 10:28 AM

I still think they should just stop being cheap and go back to cartridges. The only advantage discs have over cartridges are that they are cheaper. It's not like size is a problem anymore either, because they could fit 2 terabytes in a N64-sized cartridge nowadays. Faster loading times and being able to save stuff to the cartridge (imagine downloading DLC to it) are just a few benefits of cartridges.


That would be the best way if you ask me! Though as you said, they are too cheap for that I am afraid.

In Topic: Nintendo gives a glimpse of faster loading times with comparison video

27 March 2013 - 07:41 AM

I have everything copied into my external and it's still extremely slow. Has nothing to do with that. You're just lucky.


It probably has to do a LOT with it, he has an SSD, and those are WAY faster than HDDs

In Topic: Hybrid Downloadable Games?

26 March 2013 - 02:05 PM

I think the XBOX360 argument is a good one, that is the most feasible way to tackle the save game problem indeed, as well as the digitally bought games. In that case this whole plan would be nullified except for the reselling point (when digitally downloaded) or the disc scratching/noise (in case you have physically bought the game), though I do not think that would be enough reason to go through this process.


I never have owned an XBOX360 or a PS3, so I never thought about that, it seems that Nintendo really should update the way they handle the now non existent digital profiles. 

In Topic: Hybrid Downloadable Games?

26 March 2013 - 03:21 AM

It seems that the idea is hard to grasp, while it is not that difficult.


This way you can use your save games on different consoles, the way it is done now is that the save games only work on the console you saved it on and if that console dies, your save games are gone (even if you put them on a seperate HD you still cannot use them on another Wii U console). Again, this also does away with discs which often scratch and are quite noisy if you ask me (while still offering the option of discs since the current console wouldn't be able to play the cartridges).

It would not be all that different from normal cartridges, try to see the game download as DLC to a normal 3DS cartridge, you can always use, thus resell, that cartridge.


Though it clearly seems that this option would not be that popular lol, though it seems mostly because of the misinterpretation of the way it works.

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