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Member Since 24 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 25 2013 12:29 PM

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In Topic: "You cannot view this content. The times during which this content can be...

24 February 2013 - 05:42 AM


Seems very odd that he Wii U account used to access the store is restricted by time, despite the lengths gone to, to set up parental accounts/controls on the device (yes, the account used is a verified adult :-)) - a German law encroaching into the whole of the EU domain - very, very bad Nintendo.

Although I suspect Nintendo tried to make this work and Germany has not sanctioned the OS controls yet. But to make it a restriction for the whole of the EU just because of Germany is a great way to alienate many users. Who knows the details, but its a real great way to hit online sales, and not in a good way.

So it seems there is currently no way to access restricted (eg ZombiU) eStore content prior to 23:00 hrs (changing the console time doesn't help - I tried :-().

This is very poor, but smacks of a general impression I've got from the Wii U, having had it for a day now, it's just not finished. The OS UI is very slow, and clunky (eg no progress bar / spinning icon during load screens to let you know your console hasn't crashed).

Nintendo have pushed to get to market before the likes of MS & Sony, to grab as much market share as possible. During the time between now and the 'real' Wii U go-live (ie when Zelda is out), they'll use this time & user feedback to polish the products OS. However, I think the quality/completeness bar was just too low.

Nintendo - please sort this and other usability issues quick or you are likely to really lose your hard core fans to IOS.

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