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Member Since 26 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active May 21 2013 11:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Don't believe the trash. Walking Dead is a good game.

26 March 2013 - 01:20 AM

Now see that's the review I was looking for, I don't care for amazing graphics as I bought a wiiu. I want something that is like the show survival.

Not resident evil 5 or 6, I think that because it's zombies people auto think its should be kill kill kill move on kill kill kil get this put there kill kill kil.

I want true survival game think and feel like yea it's me against the world not il just kill everything on screen and move on.

Was looking to pick it up but as everyone on reviews is panning it, that means in next few months should be really cheap so will pick it up then

But at least I won't avoid it now as reviews said to do, I don't go by reviews I go by honest gamers opinions

In Topic: Wii U Trophy/Achievement Petition

26 March 2013 - 12:50 AM

Here is a thought I came up with on another wiiu forum and people said yea I like that idea instead as its unique to the system

Ok instead of trophies/ achievements etc and to make Nintendo have some reward system but not getting caught up in the trophy whoreing system nintendo should add this

If you complete a game 100% and that's doing everything in the game, you should unlock a mii with clothes for that game,
So complete nsmbu and get a mario mii with hat clothes etc.
Ac3 the outfit
Zelda link outfit
ZombieU then zombie features

It would give you something to aim for and show off in the miiverse and others would see that u did 100% that game to

It then doesn't need any gamer cards added to system no points system either and it would be cool seeing all different character miis wandering around the plaza

What do you guys think, something different from the trophy and achievements, but still gets you aiming for something on your wiiu games,

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