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Member Since 28 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2015 02:42 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: *Stands up and applauds*

24 April 2015 - 05:07 PM

lets be honest here, mario 1 was a very small fraction of the game that new games are in terms of content and manhours/resources. Yes, there are nasty dlc practices, but some devs release a full game, and continue working on the game releasing new things as dlc. That I dont mind, in fact I really enjoy it. I love finishing with a game and feeling like it's complete, then having somehting added on for a few bucks.


Stop pretending dlc is the devil.

In Topic: AngryJoeShow Nintendo Rant

08 April 2015 - 04:07 PM

Asian business practices are a joke. They have no concept of letting some of their rights go to make more profit. Nintendo videos on youtube are in no way losing them profits, infact their probably helping them. Didn't EA start making new copies of skate 3 solely due to pewdiepie playing the game on his channel? I've purchased numerous games based on let's plays and streams I've watched.


I live in korea and companies do the same thing. Me and a buddy used to go to this mom and pop dunkin donuts 3 times a week and my buddy would always ask for a little milk for his coffee. After a couple of months the owner thought she was being ripped off and started charging us $2.00 extra for a little milk. So they lost our business for the future over a quarter cup of milk 3 times a week. Nintendo is doing the same thing here. They're exercising their rights sure, but their alienating thousands of potential customers in the process.


Just because you have the right to do something, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

In Topic: I Finally Got One!

04 April 2015 - 05:20 PM

April fools. Watch the video, it's fun. Give him a free view, and while you are at it you can click on the ad before the video starts. That will surely net him a couple pennies.



Well now i feel like a grump old man, but im still not watching the vid :P

In Topic: I Finally Got One!

04 April 2015 - 02:15 AM

I'm not watching a damn video just so you can get free views. What exactly did you 'finally get'?


and mods: is this type of advertising allowed? seriously? if this isn't clickbaiting i don't know what is.

In Topic: Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

26 March 2015 - 07:02 PM

This is the hardest introduction to the series I've played so far. DeS, DS, DSII all had a fairly gradual curve up to when you were suppose to die for the first time, this game is literally death 10 steps in. It's brutal. Then there is no hand holding at all. I've only played a couple of hours and just got to the second boss, but wow. The second boss feels harder than the last boss in DeS. Maybe it's because they took the shield away, but it's tough. The moves aren't as predictable and they can add a second or third attack depending on the players proximity.


It's awesome though, not sure if it will have the depth of the other souls games, but time will tell. The lack of customization, weapons and armor bother me slightly.

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