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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2013 01:14 AM

Topics I've Started

Hello Fellow Nintendo Fans!

15 April 2013 - 12:46 AM

I am a software engineering major living in beautiful Victoria, B.C.  I run a charity gaming marathon group called Play 2 Raise, and we stream ourselves as well as the games we play live on the interwebs.  We actually have our third annual Mario Marathon coming up in just under two weeks and we are getting pretty excited about that.  


Before I make a post with all the info, I would just like to ask the mods if it is okay if I advertise the charity event here (As in post a link to our website) as we have had trouble with another forum who decided to ban my IP for advertising.  I thought it would be okay, considering it was nintendo related and for charity, but apparently not.  Hopefully you guys here are understanding and I have a post up about it soon!


Cheers everyone! 

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