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Member Since 29 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2013 11:39 AM

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In Topic: Ubisoft – Zombie U “wasn’t even close to being profitable”

12 July 2013 - 11:41 AM

That's the thing-he never said anything about Zombie U. The only quote related to Ubisoft or the Wii U was the reassessment after the holidays. After that, the article makes stuff up as though it was an interview, and it placed the Moore stuff in there for authenticity. The reader is left to presume the source talked to the Ubi CEO, but in fact, it did not. 


Just about everyone read it, presumed it was authentic, but it was just click bait.  It was like a cable news story. 


Thats just par for the course most of gaming journalism.. they love sensationalism... since the Wii U is on its back, they take pot shots at it hoping to draw in hits (they make money off hits to the article) ... so why not create articles that Nintendo fan boys will come out of the woodwork to defend in the comments section... each click is another dime in their pocket.

In Topic: Ubisoft – Zombie U “wasn’t even close to being profitable”

12 July 2013 - 11:28 AM

I think ZombiU Had sales of 450k.


if ubisoft couldnt profit off a game that pulled in 13.5 million (450k x $30 usd) maybe its their budgeting that needs to be adjusted? Where did that 13.5 million go? The texture work is atrocious, it needs polish, game breaking bugs.


I'm just not buying it wasn't profitable..... perhaps what he meant is "it didn't sell as well as I liked, we made our money back but the profit wasn't enough for us to continue investing..... but the idea that 450k wasn't successful is hard to comprehend.

In Topic: The Wii U's lack of 3rd party is largely the fault of 3rd party and I...

12 July 2013 - 11:24 AM

Third parties are not charities... Its Nintendo's responsibility to make the system attractive to third parties.. the only way to do that is to release their big games to build the install base.

In Topic: Taking pictures in Pikmin 3 (Video)

12 July 2013 - 11:19 AM

I hope there will be an option to save them on an SD card or something in 1080p resolution, otherwise the beauty of the photo would be lost due to MiiVerse worsening its quality.


From everything I have seen this photo mode doesn't have any arthroscopic filtering. So when you go into photo mode the zoomed up photo has some really nasty ground textures, which would probably benefit from a lower resolution.


But a question, the game is confirmed to be rendered in 720p, what gain would we get from saving photos in 1080p? 720p photos would be the maximum benefit because the game is rendered in 720p (only upscaled to 1080p after that if you have a 1080p tv)

In Topic: Miyamoto: Wii U Is Even Easier Than Previous Consoles To Develop For

12 July 2013 - 10:55 AM

If I'm getting this right, they have a hard time developing for it because the leap from normal definition to HD but at the same time they find it the easiest out of the other consoles?

My fanboyism, i want to defend Nintendo... but I can't... 


OBJECTION! Clearly a contradiction!



Disagree, having hardware easier to program for is one thing, but having to design assets in higher resolutions can be more time consuming.


So the nerdy programming part of development could be easier (which it should because they are still using a powerpc based processor and AMD (previous ati) GPU..... since the system is considerably faster than the Wii (like up to x100 times as powerful) they don't have to make nearly as many compromises as they had to produce content on the Wii.


Its simple to imagine if you seperate the two sides of development, the actually programming, logic and engine with the other side the asset creation of creating character models and animating them, texturing them...... from what i gathered from Shiggy in previous statement its Nintendo misjudged how long it would take to create assetts in HD, not that its difficult to actually program for the Wii U.. The hardware is pretty similar to the Wii in architecture (both powerpc's with AMD GPU's) so the groundwork on how to work with a given processor shouldn't change too much except gaining a buttload of processing power in the process.


I don't think ubisoft has claimed they had any trouble developing for it, in fact they had several titles ready for launch in almost no time. Activision or WB haven't complained about difficulty. Tecmo didn't have any trouble getting a few titles ready for the system.. Indie developers are praising how easy it is to develop for and how powerful it is.... it seems like the only people are having issues with development are the people who's games don't really sell very well on the system (EA). Are we to believe small time two man development teams like two tribes think the system is a breeze to develop for, but the big house EA developers are having issues with it? Sounds like EA didn't even trying, minus criterion, who said it wasn't really difficult to program for.


Can we compare all the publishers and indie devs that don't have any problems with the hardware with the lonesome publisher having issues, aka EA ?

That in itself sounds like the wii u has additional potential though. Criterion probably had to utilise the gpu more to take some tasks off the cpu.


So its more like a PC where a developer pushes everything to the GPU (PC developers have to compensate that most of their customers probably have old CPU's so they concentrate on the GPU because thats the point where PC gamers usually upgrade first)

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