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Member Since 02 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 17 2013 05:26 AM

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In Topic: Let's Talk IPs!

02 May 2013 - 12:38 PM

I voted but honestly nintendo ANY new IP would be a good thing,

I love all your current franchises but I'm tired of seeing the same characters in the same games constantly.

I get it you want familiar characters and stuff but come on!
your latest games "especially on the Wii" Were just the exact same games from the gamecube or Snes with upgraded graphics and a few new gameplay additions

As fans we want something new!
The Wii was already a huge letdown for your fans please get your act together and make some new IP's or totally reinvent the old ones.

Also please make it easier for 3rd party developers to make games for your system!
The problem I had with the Wii and the problem I have with the Wii U right not is the same thing

little to no 3rd party support...

Come on Nintendo!
I am seriously considering trading my Wii U for a different console simply because of the lack of games for your system!

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