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Member Since 06 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 06 2013 11:25 AM

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In Topic: Confirmed: Wii U GPU only supports up to DX10 level graphics

06 May 2013 - 11:25 AM

i thought the wii u gpu only had pixel shader 4.1 and directx 11 requires pixel shader 5.0. it was confirmed that the wii u gpu is using RV770 and a close match to a 4650/4670. so i am not sure how it would fully support dx11. i do get a good laugh out of the people who claim the wii u has pc like graphics. the wii u graphics are more 360/ps3 then high end pc. the wii u can't even run at 1080p in complex 3D games. no UE4 or frostbite 3 for wii u. i hope nintendo has a lot of good first party games. poor wii u.


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