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Member Since 16 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 16 2013 06:03 PM

Topics I've Started


16 May 2013 - 05:20 PM

This might be answered somewhere else, but I haven't been able to find it - so forgive me if it has. :0) Does anyone know if there is talk of linking games to your actual Nintendo account? I was bummed when I got my Wii U after reading you could transfer from your Wii to your Wii U assuming/hoping that it would just be linked to my username. (Mainly because my Wii got fried some how and so all the games I had already bought are gone.) I realize this is how the company(s) make money by making you buy their game for all platforms rather than linking said game to every platform. I just misread when I was looking over the Wii U.





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