Ayumi Yamada
Member Since 23 May 2013Offline Last Active May 23 2013 12:49 PM
About Me
Welcome to my profile. ^-^
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I don't really know why I would need to make a lengthy, typed-out introduction about myself because... Aren't I like the rest of you? I'm here because I freaking love Nintendo. I don't think I can get anymore specific with that. So I guess I could type out some fun facts?
- My first video game console was the SEGA Genesis.
- My first video game to ever play on a console was Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
- I was five years old when I was introduced to my very first computer.
- My first Nintendo console was the GameCube.
- My first Nintendo handheld device was the Gameboy Advance.
Okay, so I could probably go on with more fun-facts and what-not, but it would probably be really irrelevant and, sadly, boring.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 1
- Profile Views 6,001
- Member Title Goomba
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday September 29
Not Telling
Anime, manga, gaming.
Nintendo, SEGA, Capcom, XSeed, ATLUS
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