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Member Since 30 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2013 07:09 AM

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In Topic: Super Smash Bros Universe Graphics

30 June 2013 - 07:08 AM

Am I really the only one who can tell that this is in gmod? How I can tell:

1. The lighting. only gmod has that kind of lighting that makes everything glow.

2. The map. Look in the background. Do you REALLY THINK that Nintendo would use a map with so few polygons and such low resolution textures, ESPECIALLY FOR THE FREAKING WIIU?!?!?!?

3. Smash Bros. games are not open world. Look at the random playable characters in the background that are in fighting/taunting positions. In REAL Smash Bros.... that's impossible.

4. THE TEXTURES OF THE FIGHTERS. THEY ARE THE TEXTURES FROM BRAWL. They changed the textures for the new game. Nintendo DID release gameplay footage.

5. THE RANDOMNESS. There's an arwing and Link's eagle...thing...I never played Skyward Sword. :(... in the sky, a chain-chomp in the mountains, and a pirranah plant near the pool-river-thingy-whatevs. :angry:


Seriously, did ANYBODY think that it was real?!?!?!?!

If so... then just... WOW.     <_<

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