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Captain Marvelous

Member Since 03 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2014 07:04 AM

Topics I've Started

Space Pioneer

30 January 2014 - 10:27 AM










"Our goal is to make a project that transcends the definition of being just a videogame; we want to make something that mirrors the complexity of our own reality. Our virtual interactive platform will include a vast database that contains information about humanity’s history as a civilization, as well as a humongous assortment of images and videos gleaned from our extensive cooperation with various world renowned organizations, including the Getty Museum, the Memorial Museum of Space Exploration, the European Space Agency, NASA, the Baikonur Cosmodrome Museum, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics."






" The core of our game revolves around the exploration of our virtual in-game universe via an upgradable and customizable spaceship – with the player having the ability to colonize other planets using a unique combination of RTS mechanics. Most games that incorporate real time strategy into their game-play focus on squad tactics and small bases; what our game does is allow you to build humungous cities and colonies, whilst preserving all of the elements that you love from the RTS genre."


"For all backer rewards that include a virtual copy of Space Pioneer – you will get the option to receive the game on Windows, Linux or Macintosh. For all backer rewards that include a Physical copy of the game; you get the option to receive the game on Windows, Linux, Macintosh or Wii U. We are writing here because we can’t edit any reward tiers that have already been claimed."



Now this looks like amazing


Could be awesome with the wii u gamepad :)




03 July 2013 - 08:59 AM

Hi, Captain Marvelous is my nick (i also use DarkOmnios on some forums) and Nintendo, with Sony are my favourite companies in gaming. I still have Ps1, ps2 of Sony and a GameCube, Wii and a 3DS of Nintendo.


I will buy a ps4, but maybe in the next 2/3 years, first i want to buy a WiiU.


Also im from Portugal ( one of the Sonyland in Europe lolol) i'm 25 years old and still love playing games, love survivol Horrors (the reason i bought a Wii), fighting games and all kinds of RPG (especially CD project and Piranha Bytes rpg).



Love the design of the forum and hope i have found a place with some Nintendo lovers.

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