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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2013 06:43 AM

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In Topic: Sony Prove the Wii U's Texture Bandwidth is not slow

14 July 2013 - 05:26 PM

Ha ha, guy, esram is way less dense than edram.

32Mb edram is going to have much, much higher bandwidth than 32Mb esram. The wii u's edram bandwidth is well into the triple digits.

You dont use sram for bandwidth, you use it for low latency.

Nice made up numbers for wii u though.

Since when Is the RAM density any indication for its bandwith?

All the density has influence on is the on-die-space necessary.

SRAM even offers higher bandwith, with much faster access times, but it is also MUCH more expensive...


Does the X1 really use 32 MB of SRAM? That is pretty expensive stuff if true.

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