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Member Since 15 Jul 2013Offline Last Active Oct 15 2014 07:25 PM
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- Member Title Bob-omb
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Anime, Debates,and Obviously games
Code Geass,Minecraft
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Topics I've Started
Splatoon gameplay live on Nintendo's Twitch and Youtube
10 June 2014 - 11:02 AM
Am I the only one who is really excited for Hyrule Warriors?
27 May 2014 - 05:57 PM
Title says it all. When I saw the new screen shots and a game explain on the story and artwork I got very hyped.
Torchlight 2 anyone?
18 April 2014 - 08:27 PM
Hello forums anyone want to play Torchlight 2 with me I want to start new characters should be fun if you have skype we could talk... or not... whatever.
But, seriously message me if you want to play I'll send you my steam name and we can play.
Edit: Also at the time I'm posting this I would preferably like to start this game on Saturday 4/19/14 , but really anytime is cool with me.
Spirited away by Miyazaki
24 March 2014 - 07:00 PM
10 out of 10 would watch again
but seriously this Movie was beautiful. It was a true masterpiece by Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. Well worth a watch the art and music is absolutely beautiful I can't say enough about how amazing this movie is
Who is the strongest person you can beat?
20 February 2014 - 03:14 PM
Who is the strongest person you can take on and win? You get two powers via this link http://powerlisting..../Special:Random with those two powers who can you take down?
Try not to re-roll until you get what you want.
I got Magnetisim Manipulation which means basically magneto and one really over powered power which is Psionic Manipulation which is basically any psychic power included but not limited to Healing, forcefields, levitation, telekinesis, etc. (really overpowered). With these two powers I win. Against anything and anyone. The only person I think I would loose too is someone with Omnipotency and or Deminsional Independence meaning they can see all the time lines they can teleport they can switch to different dimension so another overpowered power.
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