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Member Since 17 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2013 10:46 AM

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In Topic: Wii U and general audio questions.

18 July 2013 - 10:49 AM

1. 7.1 means it has 2 extra channels for side  speakers, they are not a version number,  a 7.1 channel amp can play 5.1 chennels.

2. no unless the amp  digitally  enhances to 7.1 using mafhs. Otherwise  its just 2 extra channels  which you need 2 extra speakers for with 0 difference

3. the .x number refers to the sub channel, there is generally no benefit of having 2 sub channels since the sub should blanket the area and cover all  speaker sounds besides maybe adding area or power, in this case placement becomes problematic as  subwoofers may end up fighting each other and causing dead areas or super strong  areas.


4. see 3


5. if you buy a 7.1 you can run 2.0 and build up speakers until you have 7.1, hell you can have 7.0 and buy a sub latter, but the sub really fills in gaps.

6  yes, you get channel sperration,  do not go from 3.0 - 4.0 go from 3.0 - 5.0 since the 3rd channel will become the center channel.


7. yes


8 I do not have enough money to test every sound system


Thank you, that should help a lot.


Is there anything I should look out for, when buying speakers?

If I understood right, speakers have a power threshold.


I know that my colleagues fix (or rather scrap, since fixing is not worth it) subwoofers that has been burned because

they couldnt take the power.

Mostly those are car equipment.

I just want to avoid burning hundreds of euros worth of equipment.

In Topic: How to market Bayo 2 into a success.

17 July 2013 - 01:47 PM

On the rage that went on (some troopers are still going on),

those were not fans of the game, but console fanboys.

True fans bought or will buy a Wii U.


I wish this game all the success it can have.

If release might go as far as fall 2014, we should have some system sellers out and more announced by then.

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