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Member Since 04 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2013 03:58 PM

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hello I need help with a game

04 August 2013 - 01:03 PM

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I need help with a Wii game but that is playing on the wii u game system and here is what I need help with - Hi I was playing my Disney Epic Mickey 2 Wiiicon1.png on the Wii U and my Wii U is fine but my game froze in the Disney Gulch Ghost part and I cleaned the disc and put it in and tried it and started the that was fine until i opened my file on the game that I have saved on the game and it started in the same spot and it is in the same spot when you first opened or loaded the file and I can't get it to move on or anything the sound is fine and other stuff but it froze and the only way i can move on is to restart the game and start a new file which I don't really want to so How the heck do I get this fixed? Cause I love this game and if I have to start a new file that's fine but I would rather not!

P.S. In this Picture I took of where I am n the game and it's stuck aka froze there and normally Micky would be a lot smaller cause he is going through back in time on one of the old film reels   


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