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Member Since 19 Oct 2013
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In Topic: Bayonetta 2 1080p REALLY?

19 October 2013 - 11:26 PM

yeah Nintendo fans want to feel like they belong and want to be mentioned in same breath as Sony and microsoft. The Wiiu is NEVER going to be taken seriously from the hardcore graphic whore crowd so gamers get over it... just play the games and have fun. I just beat Wonderful 101 today and it was one of the best games i have played since the N64 area of gaming. Platinum gained my respect as one of the best developers out and i think Bayo 2 is going to top W101. they said the development teams were competing with each other to try and 1 up each other with crazy actions scenes. so i expect Bayonetta 2 to be a smash and its going to sell a lot better than people think.


Just clear the W101 last weekend. A great game so far in my opinion

yeah Nintendo fans want to feel like they belong and want to be mentioned in same breath as Sony and microsoft. The Wiiu is NEVER going to be taken seriously from the hardcore graphic whore crowd so gamers get over it... just play the games and have fun. I just beat Wonderful 101 today and it was one of the best games i have played since the N64 area of gaming. Platinum gained my respect as one of the best developers out and i think Bayo 2 is going to top W101. they said the development teams were competing with each other to try and 1 up each other with crazy actions scenes. so i expect Bayonetta 2 to be a smash and its going to sell a lot better than people think.


Just clear the W101 last weekend. A great game so far in my opinion

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