Well, yes I am a new WiiU owner, but, really not that happy about it. Given the comments everyone else is making, I must be in error. I also might be too old for this stuff, but, I believe you are never too old. Yesterday, my first day with the WiiU was a thrill. 8.5 hours to download an update for the system. Totally uncalled for in my opinion and feel they are using the same language that GPS systems employ. My systen came with two Zelda downloads...GREAT!!!. Of course, downloanding them is proving to be next to impossible as it takes about 2.5 hours to download, and then once it starts to install, the message is...CORRUPT DATA....DELETE. This has happened twice, so really I have not been able to do a thing with the WiiU, but, yet I hear nothing but praise from this group. Stopped by the store today and they indicated it is very common to have long downloads and corrupt files.....just hang tight.
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Member Since 26 Dec 2013Offline Last Active Oct 22 2014 12:03 PM
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- Member Title Goomba
- Age 84 years old
- Birthday April 27, 1940
Golfing, sanity
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In Topic: Hello New wii u owner
27 December 2013 - 01:16 PM
In Topic: Difference between download and disc/download in shop
27 December 2013 - 09:26 AM
I just don't understand why the digital download is so ungodly slow. It suggests to me that Nintendo is using somewhat dated technology.
In Topic: Update
26 December 2013 - 04:30 PM
Problem is that I am just setting unit up and it will not setup without the update. But, I can't update because it simply seems to be spinning in space. I very willing to accept this could simply be me, but, I can find no logical answer.
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