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Member Since 07 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2014 03:53 AM

#263899 Memories of the GameCube

Posted by LinkKennedy on 29 December 2013 - 08:37 AM

Ahh the GameCube was great and it's weird since the wiiu feels like it might just be like the cube for me. I remember playing a bunch of NiN exclusives like Wind Waker and Metriod while the ps2 served as my primary console, it was glorious.

Still the one memory I will always keep close to me( I have a ton tho lol, Wind Waker, Sunshine, etc. ) is when I played Resident Evil 4 on the Cube. Seriously I had heard the hype for the game and I was a fan of the series but man I never expected this game. The build up was great and before I played that game I had played God of War and I felt like "Wow" games are heading in the right direction with games like GOW, I seriously felt that was a sure bet to be the best game that year( I think I played them early 05) and then I played RE4. That was that and it was official RE4 had become my personal game of that generation followed closely by GOW,Half Life 2 and Twilight Princess.

I honestly believe the gaming industry was and has been ripping off Resident Evil 4 and it doesn't get enough credit but alas is a master piece. :)

#267883 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is 720p

Posted by umegames on 21 January 2014 - 12:23 PM

Give me 720p 60 fps over a 1080p stuttering mess any day.

oh my goodness THANK YOU!


2 things the internet needs to do is:


1 stop posting doom nintendo threads

2 stop complaining about 1080p


Broadcast Television isn't 1080p, sooooo......

#267812 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is 720p

Posted by 3Dude on 21 January 2014 - 05:03 AM

NATIVE. i understand what you are saying i am sure i will enjoy the game also. I just think they need to get with the times a little more. You complain people think your console is underpowered and you give us a 720p 2d platformer even 2d platformers from INDIES on the eshop have hit 1080p.... Iwata just doesnt get it. I dont hate him he should stay with the company but he should be replaced as CEO... he doesnt get the modern gamer.

Eh, rayman was very very very low on the polygons, usually only a single enemy or something onscreen (like the purple/pink dragon), and consisted almost entirely of raster graphics (and on top of that, surprisingly very very low on actual key frames for its animation, compare the animation to say, wario shake it on wii), freeing up massive amounts of both fillrate and flops. While dkcrtf is completely 3d. The games have completely different overhead requirements despite both being 2d platformers. Now that we know the system has 8 rops, you can pretty much stop expecting 1080p 60fps outside of low overhead games, or some lunatic designing a wii u engine ground up out of assembly (I have you straight jacket ready to go vd dev, ya nutters.)

THis is what you can expect.

1080p 60fps: Low overhead games, hd remakes, 3ds to wii u titles.
1080p 30fps: Medium overhead games, more effects and assets than 60 fps games, wwhd for example, gc geometry, with tons of modern shader effects like global illumination simulation via screen space ambient occlusion (very, very well done ssao), contact hardening shadows etc...
720p 60fps: Most nintendo titles, particularly platformers, or racers, or fighters, that look on the level of mk8, or 3dworld, still damn good looking games graphically, whilst mantaining the necessary 60fps for the split second gaming.
720p 30fps: Wii u's showstoppers, the most graphically, largest, grandest scale games on the system, this is where metroid, Zelda and X will end up.

#265765 Project cars screens

Posted by GAMER1984 on 09 January 2014 - 08:26 PM

Why are you doubting the devs? This isn't EA or even Ubisoft, this is a small dedicated team, who are making one of the biggest efforts towards making a great game for Wii u we've seen yet. They don't have much reason to be lying/exaggerating this sort of thing.

From here on out for ANY WiiU title I rather take a wait and see approach... Don't judge me for that.

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