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Member Since 19 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2014 01:01 PM

Topics I've Started

Wii Fit U

19 January 2014 - 03:54 PM

I don't think there was ever a topic for this game, even when the free trial version came out.


Anyway, it came out physically 9 days ago. Do any of you have this game? What do you think of it?


I don't have it, but I plan on getting it soon and from what I have seen, it looks fun, and the fitness factor is an added bonus. The dance, aerobic and balance activities look fun and engaging. The yoga and strength training, although just being regular exercise look engaging too since you have a trainer talking to you and such.


Another thing, I love the whole idea of the fit meter including the challenges to encourage you to keep using it. The features such as the routines, gym communities and personal trainer are also nice additions.


This will be my first Wii Fit game. I'm buying because I am a bit on the lazy side when it comes to exercise, mostly because I find it boring. This game seems like it will make fitness more engaging to me. I'm not trying to lose weight of anything (if I do I will become flat stanley)


Also, I heard that the game will read you as overweight or obese if you are a big, muscular person. However, I am actually a scrawny dude so this doesn't bother me. Speaking of that, simply the body test looks fun.


 I can't wait to get my hands on this, the balance board and the fit meter. Heck, I even bought two games that come with wii remote plus controllers just so I can have all of the equipment to play all of the activities.

Hello, everyone, Nintendo Wii U fan here!

19 January 2014 - 09:02 AM

Hello, I'm chillv. I've been a huge fan of Nintendo ever since the Gamecube, and so far Nintendo has made Wii U my dream console with my dream games. Outside of gaming, I like to do art. My dream is to be an indie video game designer someday and make my own games, In fact, I write down my ideas for fullfledged video games in seperate booklets.

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