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Member Since 26 Mar 2014Offline Last Active Apr 15 2014 05:11 AM
About Me
Musician, Love JamBands especially Umphrey's! Progressive Rock to Bluegrass and everything in between as long as it has something to say. Festie-Goer. Writer, mostly for myself but will be looking to publish soon. I live on a small farm in a small town and love the quiet, coutry air. It's an hour and a half to Chicago if I ever get bored.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 1
- Profile Views 6,135
- Member Title Goomba
- Age 43 years old
- Birthday December 27, 1981
Music, Writing, Organic Gardening, Cooking, Wood Working
AC, COD, Mario Bros.
Contact Information
- NNID mrmatt46
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Been Playing Since original NES
06 April 2014 - 06:14 AM
Well, actually... been having a hard time finding people to 'squad-up' with on COD:Ghosts. Really,the town I live in is 7,000 people. And that is a seven mile drive from my house. Everyone there plays either ps or xbox. I tried posting on craigslist even. I would just like to play with a regular group. It's tough to play with different people every day, it would make more sense to be in a squad & know how my teammates play. And would make levelling up quicker too :-)
In Topic: Could Zelda U look better than 2011 Demo or different
27 March 2014 - 04:28 AM
Wow, so many opinions. Just shows the loyalty & enthusiasm for this title. It would be something to know the number of hours each of us has played Zelda in our lives. Maybe wouldn't wanna know :-) But whatever is put out, it will be bought, played & loved by fans. Nintendo has spent too much time and money in it to be anything less than incredible. Hopefully. Of course there's a small chance that it will being awful, but it's a slim, slim chance. I will pre-order & play hours of this game & I know a ton of Zelda fans will too. I mean, come on, it's Zelda people!
In Topic: Been Playing Since original NES
27 March 2014 - 03:40 AM
Thanks everyone, it's great to feel welcome! I remember when Halo was the ONLY game I played when I had the xbox; now I have a hard time deciding what I'm going to play when I have time! And looking forward to games coming is amazing. Almost through Mario 3D and already know it's going to be hard to go back & find all the stars and stamps that I missed. These 'problems' are way more fun than expected.
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