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Member Since 25 May 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2015 04:32 PM

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Controllers Issues - Wii U Pro

25 May 2014 - 03:45 PM


Quick one, I did the data transfer from my Wii to Wii U and therefore my downloaded games moved with it, including Mario 64. When I played this game in particular I used to use the Wii classic controller. I have since lost that controller (not sure how, not like me at all). I wanted to play Mario 64 today and realised I can't play it as I don't have a correct controller.

My question is this, if I buy the Wii U pro-controller will this work on my games that I used to use the Wii Classic controller for? I hope this makes sense!

Thanks for any help

Hello :)

25 May 2014 - 03:34 PM

Hi everyone,

Lovely to be here! Had a Wii U since Xmas 2012 and it was a surprise gift (one of the best ever surprises ever). I have really enjoyed the Wii U's games and system and I am currently working my way through Pikmin 3, Child of Light and Epic Mickey 2, although the latter is causing me a little annoyance when it comes to the controls.

Always loved Nintendo, only systems I have owned since I was little and I still have all my consoles from the NES onwards. They all still work too :)

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