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Member Since 22 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2014 05:31 AM

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General controller advice

22 June 2014 - 07:49 AM

Hi all


Not sure where to post this, but I guess the hardware section is most applicable as I'm referring to several games. Basically, I'm looking at buying multiple controllers but don't want to buy both Wii remotes and classic gamepads, so which do people think is best / more versatile and also supported byu games? I'm looking at the following local multiplayer games, and would appreciate anyone's thoughts.


Mario Kart 8  - Wii remotes with the wheel add-on look good, and I've read lots of pros and cons over which work best with the games, but am I best sticking to the classic gamepads so I can play these other games I mention.


Smash Bros - Will the Classic pad be good enough or do I need to buy the Gamecube controllers I've been reading about?


Splatoon - I'm guessing a classic pad will be best for this.


Also, more general games like Nintendoland - what controllers are best and/or supported for this?


Thank you for helping /commenting on this for me.


Another newbie

22 June 2014 - 07:33 AM

Hi all


Just thought I'd post and say hi. I'm not actually picking up my Wii U for a few weeks, but I'm just enjoying the buzz of getting stoked about having a new games machine. I haven't had a console since my THIRD 360 RROD'd on me whilst playing Far Cry 2 back in 2010 and nothing struck me as very exciting until I stumbled on the Wii U. The upcoming roster of Zelda, Splatoon, Toad, Smash Bros has me drooling, but I'm waiting to sink my teeth into MK8, SM3DW and Lego City. I picked up ZombiU for £5 as well, so looking forward to giving that a go.


I've currently dragged my trusty N64 out of hibernation and playing Body Harvest and MK on that all over again.




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