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Member Since 30 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2014 07:01 PM

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I would purchase more, but I can't!

30 June 2014 - 06:07 PM

You see, a game at $19.99 is fine. I go alllllll the way to Gamestop to get a $20 eShop card. I punch the code in, and I get $20 added to my Wallet. No problem!

However, that $19.99 game actually cost me more than $20 due to taxes. Having no Debit/Credit Card, I cannot "pay the remainder" unless I go back to buy a $10 card.

When I wanted a $4.99 game, it costed me $5.30. My brother let me use his Debit Card to pay the $0.31, but he actually paid $1.31 since his bank charges him $1 for any Debit Card transaction.

I prefer to buy digital, but as of 6/25/14, I have not bought anything new for my Wii U due to the taxes applied when the eShop Cards don't cover it.

I'm sorry, Nintendo, but no more digital games for me means that I may gain a lack of interest in my Wii U.

Had to grt this off my chest!

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