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Alex Atkin UK

Member Since 15 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active May 19 2024 01:41 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: My Sonic Boom Wii U impressions

18 December 2014 - 03:04 PM

Interesting, as so far I feel I enjoyed Sonic 06 MORE than this game.


I think perhaps its because I have gotten used to modern open-world games where there is so much more to do, as even my love of Sonic Adventure is not as strong as it once was.

I agree though that bugs and controls wise its definitely not as bad as 06, but with AC Unity, The Crew, GTA V and many others to choose from on PS4, I just don't feel motivated to play Sonic Boom at all.  I have pumped more hours into Pure Pool than this.

In Topic: first Watchdogs WiiU screenshots and info

18 November 2014 - 08:26 PM

Dont know, but it wouldnt surprise me.


I haven't seen that on PS4, pretty sure I would have noticed it.


Personally, I really enjoyed the game as I didn't have the insane expectations that some people seemed to have.  I'm very much looking forward to Watch Dogs 2 HOPEFULLY properly optimised for the PS4/One/PC.


Then again I have also been enjoying Assassins Creed: Unity and still looking forward to The Crew even after playing the beta, so I'm guessing I wont have much credibility. ;)

In Topic: Clarification required, potential sadness.

15 June 2014 - 04:23 PM

If you both have a Wii U you can always take your Wii U around there and play it online with you both using your own console and Gamepad.  Unless if course only one of you has the game.  But seriously, are there ANY Wii U owner that doesn't have Mario Kart 8?


Does Mario Kart 8 have LAN support even?  I have been too busy with Watch Dogs to check.

In Topic: Original Wii games image quality on Wii U

15 June 2014 - 04:02 PM

I thought the same thing WITH my Wii and tried it on my old 14" CRT thinking it would come across a much sharper picture.  Overall I felt the smaller size just made it more awkward and a slightly more blurry but MUCH bigger picture played better.


On the Wii U, the picture over HDMI is notably better than playing on the Wii over component, on a HDTV.


The only thing you can really do is play on the Gamepad which is closer to Wii resolution but I also find that blurry due to the compression, even on Wii U games.

In Topic: GC on Wii U possibility now (wishful thinking)

15 June 2014 - 03:42 PM

Its highly likely that the GC support is still in the Wii U firmware (the Wii part), and I believe for the Wii functionality it includes all the hardware (apart from controller ports and memory cards) necessary to run GC games.  So it may only be minor modifications needed, not exactly going to hold back Wii U development.


It is a shame the drive cannot accept GC discs though.  The only reason I cannot get rid of my Wii is for GC games.

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