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#290488 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 04:36 AM in General Gaming

I feel sorry for the developers, working so hard to create graphics like this just for ubi to go "screw this, take them out and make them look worse so they're par with the other consoles"

This is very important to bring up.

Those developers worked damn hard, they MADE THESE THINGS, they did, they worked hard and made these things, and then the PUBLISHER forked them over and made it dissapear.

Im not going to say never, because its very clearly not a never kind of thing. BUt rarely does a developer ever set out to do a crappy job. 95% of the time, when crap happens, look to the publisher.

#290487 First draft on an article/blogpost about Nintendo and third parties

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 04:29 AM in General Gaming

I wouldn't necessarily say that's true, Indeed we got half assed ports of years old games, but how about games which didn't get half assed?
Splinter Cell Blacklist got 1 tiny feature removed although we got a bunch added from the gamepad, it sold 60 thousand copies,
Resident Evil Revelations sold 90 thousand
Injustice God Among us 90 Thousand,
On other consoles it sold tons more, they weren't half assed like the rest of the games
Although now we look at Rayman Legends, that sold 340 thousand copies, more than the the rest of the consoles besides PS3, Probably would have sold a lot more if Ubi kept it exclusive.
What i'm trying to say is, I don't think the games are selling badly because we don't trust them, I think they sell badly because the Wii U's audience isn't filled with people interested with them type of games. They won't start to sell like the other consoles until the install base starts rising. Like Ubi said, they're holding games back because they're waiting till the install base increases.
Seeing as how expensive it is to make a game, and how easy it is to lose money, I don't blame the publishers who make these photorealistic shooters type games for not putting it onto the Wii U, it's not worth the risk. Whereas they know games like platformers, adventures, colorful, indie and/or casual games sell well.

I'd say wait it out, when it starts selling monthly the same as the 3DS is, then i'll expect the third parties to jump aboard since they may start making a profit from it.

Uh, reveleations already sold a million on 3ds years before it was released on wii u.... and ps3/360/windows at the same time.

Thats why I didnt buy it for wiiu. I have a 3ds to play 3ds games. I got a wii u to play Wii u games. So unless your game has a metric wiiton of content to make it worth owning on both 3ds and wii u... Im not getting it twice. And apparantly a lot of people feel the same way.

Which is why Monster hunter ultimate is ont its way to being a million seller, crapping on the titles you brought up from orbit.

On one hand, you are right, those are not the games people on nintendo platforms are looking for. As in Nintendo platform owners are used to Nintendo quality games, with outstanding quality and substantial amounts of content for that 60 dollar asking price, and those games you mentioned are superficial, flashy, and no more content than a small one way ride with fancy cutscenes, that are completely done after seeing the events unfold once. Repetitive multiplayer isnt going to do much to entice us. We need something more organic, stimulating. A tool we can use to create our own way of playing, rather than going through the same motions over and over (see splatoon, and the organic gameplay tool of paint/squid gameplay that led to emergent player created gameplay that took the developers of the GAME THEMSELVES by surprise).

Which brings us back to the authors point. The problem lies with 3rd party publishers giving crappy content for nintendo systems. NOT with Nintendo system owners refusing to buy crappy content. The fact ps360/ps4/xbone users will gladly eat diarrea all day long has nothing to do with us.

And yeah, compared to a game like rayman legends, splinter cell and injustice are pretty half assed. They dont have a fraction of the content of legends.

#290480 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 04:07 AM in General Gaming


Starting off with a picture of the recently un-downgraded watchdogs to remind people what the game actually looked like before the downgrade.

Not only does the game look, well, look at it, the way it does now, but it actually PERFORMS BETTER, than the pos ubi released.

This is EXACTLY what Im talking about when I say consoles are holding pc back. Well, really its garbage AAA publishers holding PC back because of a conflict of interest with console sales. Ubisoft purposefully downgraded the PC game, so as to not make the 'next gen' consoles look, well, as weak as they actually are in comparison to standard gaming pc's. It was delayed, to crappify it.

A short list of what has been brought back/recovered in the past 2 days:

-Changes to the default fog values
-Enabled bokeh DOF for the main cameras
-Stuttering Improvements
-E3 2012 Bloom
-Performance Improvements
-Enabled Headlight Shadows
-LoD Changes
-Reflection changes
-Added 3 new cameras to the game(closer, normal, further)
-Rain changes(High quality rain drops, properly reacting to light, etc)
-Lighting changes(TESTING AND WIP)
-Civilians density changes

Keep in mind, these are all effects already in the game, that were removed from runtime by ubisoft on purpose, to downgrade the game so it looked like the ps4/xbone versions. He is just finding them, and then implementing them.

Watchdogs was a game whom LITERALLY the only thing it had going for it was fairly notable 'next gen graphics'. And they took those away from PC gamers for bureaucratical bs reasons.

Something to think about.

#290474 Aonuma wants Zelda U to give players more story freedom

Posted by 3Dude on 16 June 2014 - 01:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

There are not going to be multiple endings or anything like that. Look at what he is talking about.

Its dungeon order. He is referring to the literal definition of story: A sequence of events.

He is saying he is going to let the player naturally explore, and come upon events (like dungeons) in the order the player comes upon them, instead of being walked down a singular path.

He is not saying he is giving the player control of
the plot.

#290455 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 04:57 PM in E3 2014 Archive

Ah, ok. I understand that. My main concern was that the Dragon Quest IX style online (or any for that matter ) Wouldn't be in the game. I really hope they have the Dragon Quest IX style to this!! I'd really like to play this sort of gameplay while co-oping with a few friends.

The kind of story in xeno games, even the worst ones like xenosaga are so ridiculously far beyond things like dragon quest its not even funny.

If you truly want to understand what happened in xenoblade for example, you need an understanding of greek philosophy on substance and matter, particularly the unit known as the 'monad', Gottfreid Lebniz's 'Monadology', and computer programming, (once again, in particular the programming concept of the monad).

#290451 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 04:24 PM in E3 2014 Archive

What about the first trailer which had what appeared to be a text chat?

I was answeing under the context his question was phrased, which was 'has nintendo specifically confirmed, as in outright stated, online co-op.

I believe those early videos are indeed proof of co-op, however, nintendo has not officially come out and stated it, likely to quell fears about no/tacked on single player.

I think there will be a seperate online mode, using only created characters/generic npc's (no story characters, or they serve strictly npc roles in this mode), revolving around events and quests meant for multi.

#290445 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I now that I'm not the one who went crazy posting a bunch of youtube stuff am I. The only thing I mentioned in my original post was didn't get to watch the vid yet and noticed he wasn't holding the bow proper. As usual he went bipolar placing words in my mouth. I prefer redneck RACIST lol also I thought link was a forgive spelling hylian. And what is a ginger0_o never heard that one.

I never said anything was cgi? Now your confusing me

Hes calling you out for not watching the video, as the only way, HAD you actually watched the video for you to deny what was shown would be to call it fake.


There is a Reason Lars Anderson is an undefeated world archery champion, and you are... nothing.

Which is probably why Nintendo has link holding the bow Like world archery champion Lars Anderson and doing the things Lars has shown off, which are based off of historical records of military bow technique that used to be considered 'impossible' and 'myths', instead of weaksauce traditional modern archery style, like you, and what you are saying is the 'right' way.

Hmmm... Undefeated World archery champion lars anderson... or dark rabbid.... who really knows what they are talking about...


This ones a toughie.

Lars Anderson is the world champion, who can jump off of things and fire three arrows into moving targets before he hits the ground... Or dark rabbid, who claims he is proficient at archery and says the way Undefeated World Champion Lars holds the bow is wrong.....


Im going to go with the undefeated world champion. But hey, make a video of yourself outshooting Lars the 'right' way, and I will immediately take it all back.

#290418 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 02:17 PM in E3 2014 Archive

3Dude. have we heard anything about if this game has any sort of multiplayer co-op yet? I know that was speculated a while back.

see above post.

The e3 and direct didnt mention co op, or anything online, as they were very specifically reinforcing the fact the game would actually have a single player story mode as a result of the rash of morons claiming it was a monster hunter clone/multi only game.

#290398 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 09:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

lol love this
But yeah, just because he is (possibly) a hunter-gatherer for his village doesn't mean Nintendo will have us hunting and skinning animals. I wouldn't mind having that but I'm sure the Elder Scrolls games have that and I'm already sick of the comparisons. Plus I don't want Zelda to have too many RPG elements since it has always been an adventure game.

I am getting a tremendous studio Ghibli vibe from this.

Like Castle in the sky, with the evironments, the ancient technological ruins covered in moss and overgrowth being reactivated.

And princess mononoke, which, the trailer basically is a huge homage to the first scenes of that movie. They directly parallel in a large number of ways.

Perhaps its a response/homage to Hayao Miyazaki finally retiring?

#290397 3dudes free game of the day, HAX:CORP by Guilherme S. Töws

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 09:10 AM in General Gaming

What if AAA video game developers didnt treat you like a moronic peice of crap? What if they actually thought you were capable of learning things like a human being?

Watchdogs recently brought to the plate a game around the concept of 'hacking', but in reality, you dont hack anything. Everything is done with a predetermined finite state machine, where you just point to the thing you want hacked, and click on it, and it does its predetermined job.

But what if they actually let you HACK things? Well,Zaratustra productions hax corps does just that. It treats you like a big boy, who can read and figure things out like a big boy. And lets you hack into the constructs of its game world and reprogram them.

The premise is simple, you are stuck in a gigantic evil warehouse of the evil, evil corporation, and must hack your way to the data chips to find out whats going on.

Collecting data chips will give you information you can use to better hack/progress in the game world, hacking objects and using basic critical thinking and problem solving abilities will ALSO allow you to learn how to Hack.

For example, after hacking into one of your first servers you see the code:


The game suggests you replace 'close' with 'open' and you instantly get how the game works. It just works. From then on, all you leanr is learned yourself, or via collecting data chips.

The game is html5 and runs in the web browser, so its super easy to get started.


There are 50 data chips total, I have managed to get 47.

So just think. What if, instead of a tiny little game, made by a single person, what if this mechanic was taken out of this game, and put into a AAA game like watchdogs? What kind of possibilities would then arise, with the actual capability to quickly, simply, and effectively reprogram objects in the game?

It would be a Brave new world.

#290389 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 08:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

But Link doesn't kill people. I heard someone think he might be a hunter, but Zelda has always been animal friendly (especially TP, and don't count Cucco's in other games)

What do you think they herded those goats for in twilight princess? A goat collection?

Them were dinner goats.

#290385 GC on Wii U possibility now (wishful thinking)

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 07:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

The wii had a special motor that could take in, center, and secure gc discs. The wii u does not.

So download will be a necessity.

#290371 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Didn't watch it yet but if you look inside the magnifier lens he is holding the arrow and string wrong. Why do game makers never get those things translated right.

What you are thinking of is the standard grip typically taught to amateurs, or those just getting started.

As you saw, link held several arrows at once in his draw hand to rapid fire, a very advanced technique, which requires an advanced bow hand grip.

like the one rapid fire champ Lars Anderson uses.

in fact, everything shown in the trailer, including jumping from ones horse and firing, was done by ancient archers... And now Lars anderson using that grip.


Looks like they did a better job researching this than you gave them credit for.

#290370 Original Wii games image quality on Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

Not much you can do, its an anamorphic widescreen 480p image upscaled to 1080p. The compression from the streaming videos may help smooth out those jaggies, or maybe they recorded from dolphin.

#290278 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 14 June 2014 - 01:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hope so. It's cool that Aonuma's trying to do new things with the series, but I hope he doesn't go too far. I really like Zelda games the way they are. Of course, I haven't played near as many as most others...

New things? Yeah some.

If you listen to what he says, hes just trying to get back what was lost when the series went 3d with Oot.

The way they are now are pretty great. The way they used to be was mindblowing.

#290266 Nintendo Planning Both 2D and 3D Metroid

Posted by 3Dude on 14 June 2014 - 12:56 PM in Wii U News

Gunvalkyrie was an absolutely fantastic game.

Especially once you learned how to play and switched to the 'hard' character. Another example of just how badly gameplay has atrophied over the course of the ps360 generation.

#290265 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 14 June 2014 - 12:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yup. I haven't played many games Zelda or otherwise, but Skyward Sword was definitely the best game I'd played. Wind Waker HD is strongly contesting it now...

If this is what you are expecting 'great storywise' then you wont be dissapointed.

#290251 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 14 June 2014 - 11:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Link is probably a hunter/lookout for his village. The world seems to be covered in ancient technological/magical ruins, which seemingly randomly come to life and starts causing havok, and also is salvaged by the people and repurposed for hylian use, like Links clearly jerry rigged super arrow.

Great premise for gameplay.

#290190 Project Miyamoto

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 06:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm so I never played it so I'm not too sure, but looking through Nintendo games, Project Giant Robot and maybe Project Guard could fit into their Custom Robo series?

No. Not in the slightest.

I see where you are coming from, theme wise.... But the gameplay is irrevocably incompatable.

#290189 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 06:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They said there wasn't one. Even when zoomed in and highlighting the shield. I missed it too.

And it seems many did.

Thats because its on the other side of the horse that the sheild is on, behind the quiver.

Why is Link right handed in the new game? Motion controls AGAIN?

Can only hope and pray its motion controls again. Would be horrible to be given such advancements and then have them taken away and never seen again instead of refined and perfected.

#290182 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 06:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow. That was a great analysis.

I usually spot things quickly. But I missed the goats and villagers, link pulling a trigger on the arrow, and some of the structures in the background. Very cool.

Still get annoyed by the first guys voice though. But he's actually improving. His speech is getting a lot less like his mouth is full of spit when he talks.

Its okay, game explain missed the sword strapped to links horse.

#290172 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 05:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

so um...
Scenery is gorgeous. Character design is horrendous.

That character design, the modeling, the rigging, the shaders used to simulate drawn cloth, the animation, it is all god tier. You are a fool.

#290171 Wii U LAN with Wii?

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 05:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

If the wii game supported LAN then it should be able to (THough I dont know of one that does) as for online, It used to be able to, but the gamespy servers nintendo's old wi fi network used have been shut down.

#290117 Should I complete Xenoblade chronicles before X? Also best place to buy in uk?

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 10:52 AM in General Gaming

Gamestop got another shipment of xenoblade prints. This makes #4.

The first shipment sold almost 900k. This is the only shipment tracked.

The second shipment sold through @90 bucks a pop.

The third shipment switched to 49 bucks after black friday.

The fourth shipment is now at gamestop, brand new, but cut out of plastic to be sold as 'used' instead of the 20 cheaper msrp. Also 49 bucks.

Man I wish we had numbers for the other shipment 'used' sales.

Games probably past 2 mil by now.

#290116 Zelda U graphics thoughts

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 10:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ah, then I think I miss understood. However, this isn't screen shots ... It's a video, and I doubt they are making this look better than what we will see. Nintendo hasn't ever used CG to make a trailer and release something else.

True, but I dont think thays what leland is saying.

Hes just saying that he thinks the resolution is higher, and the AA better than what will be in the actual game, but everything else is legit.

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