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There have been 16 items by Adders (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#287026 Wii U outsells PS3/PS4

Posted by Adders on 29 May 2014 - 12:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Now I feel dumb  :rolleyes:

#287024 Wii U outsells PS3/PS4

Posted by Adders on 29 May 2014 - 12:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

HI all Just found this 




Now this can change from week to week but it is good news


Long live the wii u :D  


#278595 Zap U. My take on the Wii U Zapper.

Posted by Adders on 26 March 2014 - 12:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

you know this would make a good 3d luigis ghost mansion game, just imagine that its in the still of the new plants vs zombies and when you shoot at a ghost you have to move the gun around like a fishing pole to tier the ghost out then, when you suck up the ghost its face appears on the game pad as its trapped in side

#275670 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Adders on 04 March 2014 - 08:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

ha ha and some of you said that my first idea was dum look at this



#275552 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Adders on 03 March 2014 - 10:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ok first of all let me thank all of you for posting your reply, There seems to be a few of you that think my ideas are dumb so I would like to explain a little more and see if that can change some of your views

a big thank you for gamer 1984 for sticking up for me but as said the members are calling my ideas dumb and not me I'm all right with what is said  :P


First I am not saying the nintendo does not need good games and more exclusives, I know that they need that, this is just a few Ideas that I had and thought I would post..




the idea of having nintendo characters as themes would not change sales but I do not think the idea is dumb look a playstation and the xbox they have themes and people do want it take a look at this picture it is a wii that has been moded so there is a theme on it





so themes are cool


next the idea of playing the 3ds games on the wii u 


again some of you thought this was dumb but nintendo did this back in the days with the snes


if some of you remember there was a cartridge that gave you the abillity to play gameboy games on the snes? what I was thinking is some way that your 3ds can connect to the wii u ( maybe thought usb )  and play the 3ds games on the big screen then when you have to go out you can continue on the 3ds where you let off..


If playing 3ds games on the wii u is dumb so is playing ds games on the wii u  and nintendo is doing that



trade in the wii for a wii u


as some of you know nintendo are trying to get people who have a wii to upgrade to wii u first they have sent out a message to all wii owners telling them about the wii u then they are shutting down the online service ?


what I was suggesting is a lot of people have wiis but dont play them so a message to them through the wii is no good as they're not going to read it and shutting the service down is not going to affect them



But if they could trade in there wiis and upgrade then their old wiis have gained a bit of value and as I said it would just be for a few months just to get sales up and once sales are up more third parties.....



as for some of you saying What about all the games that you paid for I thought you could put it on a SD card then sell the wii and then transform it back to the wii u ( BUT NOT TOO SURE ABOUT THIS )



So there you have it and remember my ideas Rock  :P

#275469 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Adders on 03 March 2014 - 12:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

What I would do:



That as well  :laugh:

#275464 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Adders on 03 March 2014 - 12:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ok there are a lot of posts about what people would do to improve the wii u and wii u sales so I thought I would share with you what I would do...


In the uk there was a program to get people to buy new cars by selling there old ones and getting the money off that part exchange, the money was guaranteed no matter what the car condition was..


well the wii u is backwards compatible so why not make an advertisement giving people so much off a wii u if they trade in the wii,, it could just last a few months just to get sales up....?


2 make the wii u able to play all 3DS games on it ( must have a 3ds ) so when you at home you play on the wii u and when you want to go out you could pick up from where you left of on the 3DS



last but not least


give the wii u themes that you can download for the menu screen..... So for example


keep the wii u pad that shows the miis but the screen there you select what to play or program you need could have a nintendo character so mario would jump up and hit the box , donkey kong would throw a barrel the select the box star fox would shoot the box and so on and so on




What do you guys think 

#255517 "Nintendo Could Be Forced to Discontinue the Wii U Next Year" - Motle...

Posted by Adders on 11 November 2013 - 12:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

microsoft must be desperate  :D


its true that the wii u has not had a good year but seeing how sales figures have gone up just before the release on the xbox and ps4 then the idea that the wii u is over is just wish full thinking on the nintendo hate train... the big N has not even released its killer games yet and seeing the SSB is one of the biggest fight games ever then nintendo do not need to worry

#254800 Wii U sales in Japan up by 1400% with Wii Party U bundle

Posted by Adders on 06 November 2013 - 11:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

and this all before SM3DW


the wii u will be ok, and sell a but load 

#254799 PS4 to suffer same fate as wii u

Posted by Adders on 06 November 2013 - 11:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

I will have to see it to believe it if you're saying it runs better on ps3.

I did not give a source did I, ok here is were I got it from 





not to sure if I can give links 

#254770 PS4 to suffer same fate as wii u

Posted by Adders on 06 November 2013 - 08:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

HI all


remember when the wii u launched and games like batman ran on ps3 and xbox better then the wii u ..

At the time fans were saying that because the wii u is new that it was going through teething problems and as time goes on it will be better and better


but the sony fans were laughing at us saying when the ps4 comes out it'll run games much better because they have a system with a lot more power and a really good next gen system ??


Well reports of GHost ( COD ) are coming in and have been reported to say that the ps4 runs the game at 1080 p but there is frame rate issue in fact some have said that the ps3 runs the game better


although ps3 runs a 720


I wonder what the sony fans are going to say when we tell them that the ps3 a system with old hardware runs the game better then their next gen ........


and they wont be able to say its teething problems with new tech because they refused to believe us when we said the same thing a year ago


you all have my permission to be smug  :D


By the way I am not having a go at sony I really think that the ps4 will be a good power house system just like the xbox,

#249480 Youtube Fix ( not available on this device )

Posted by Adders on 02 October 2013 - 10:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hi all this is to help all of you that are trying to watch youtube vids in the internet browser and getting the error this video is not available on this device 


1 Go to setting in the internet browser

2 click on switch user agent click OK

3 click on internet explorer


Videos should play  :D 


there are a few bugs that I have found one is that the next video you try to play is the last one just click on the reload page tab and that should fix that ... one last thing should some of the pages not be displayed correctly so you may have to keep changing back to the old setting



hope that helps





#238452 Wonderful 101 is the reason to own a Wii U

Posted by Adders on 11 August 2013 - 04:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

its a strange one for me, I was looking forward to this one and had no interest in pickmin 3 I was so surprised just how good pickmin 3 is and my son has just completed it , got to try the demo out of 101 but feel that its not the game I thought it would be

#237632 Nintendo Direct Discussion 8/7/2013- It's HAPPENING again!

Posted by Adders on 07 August 2013 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Not great but I did like the Indie games that they showed,  :D

Not great but I did like the Indie games that they showed,  :D

#227435 Game & wario sold out

Posted by Adders on 29 June 2013 - 07:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So today I checked by bank account to find I had some pennies left over from a hard weeks work  :D


So I thought I'll get that game wario that has just came out ( friday 28 ) So went in to game only to find out that they have sold out, they did have the points card So I can down load it but I prefer a hard copy..


I then tried all the shops in tamworth that sold wii u games even the asda but all the shops are sold out or did not sell the wii u games  :(


on a hot sunny day I thought I try another town so I went over to nuneaton and you has guessed it all the shops over there had the same thing  :angry:


its bad enough waiting for the few games that come out but not to be able to get one,

I will stick to ordering the games from now on and have them delivered I thinks 



Rant over 

#225313 "Console Wars"

Posted by Adders on 22 June 2013 - 10:22 AM in General Gaming

I think wii u will win. I know a lot have voted on the poll and the poll seems to put ps4 first but let me ask a question out of the 3 consoles which one do you think appeals more to the casual gamer ? ps4 seems more hard core to me xbox is trying to get the core players back with its kinect But the wii u is the right price and the games coming out seem more for every one then just the hard core market...


Remember the 3DS vs vita who would of put the 3ds in first place the power and hard core games on the vita was out standing but it did not appeal to the core games and remember the core market is bigger then the hard core games thats why mario kart sold 34 mil compared to cod bo2 12 mil

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