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#69317 -

Posted by Feld0 on 03 April 2012 - 05:24 PM in Site News and Feedback

...Aren't illegal. They have a huge community surrounding them with many people that would gladly be active members on this site. I really don't understand the reasoning behind not allowing people to talk about these subjects - many equivalent websites dedicated to particular consoles allow this. This ban on talking about modding is turning people away from this site, and making it a less interesting place. I'm fine with us not being allowed to talk about things that are illegal (for example drugs, hacking) but please consider lifting this ban - or at least talk to us about it.

The reason for the ban on such subjects is because Nintendo and their third-party developers generally frown upon hacking/modding/homebrew in general, and openly allowing such discussion might give the site negative points in their books and scare off potential advertisers.

I'm willing to make a few concessions, though, because of our high search engine rankings and position as the world's largest Wii U community. I'll lift that rule for now, and we'll see what kinds of discussions crop up as a result. Any discussion of ROM's/images or piracy would still be a strict taboo - you'll have to keep it exclusively to homebrew.

For the time being, I agree. But once the Wii U comes out it will probably be the same as the 3DS Forums. Full of trolls and unfunny jokers wanting to get some likes by putting down the respected console.

(Not pointing any fingers or hating on the forums, mind you readers of this post)

Just saying, trolling and putting down a console would get you suspended or banned here.

so why not add more moderator's to keep a strict control over the conversation of grey area modding. i honestly beleive some things are worth discuss but eh i joined knowing what the rule's were so its understandable if they never change.

Only having one moderator on a forum with almost 1,500 people is pretty crazy to me though.

Of those 1500+ members, somewhere between 100-150 or so are actually active. With 100-200 posts per day, moderating this place should not require a large staff team.

#70377 Dislike Button or Disagree System

Posted by Feld0 on 07 April 2012 - 03:07 PM in Site News and Feedback

I can easily replace the like buttons with an upvote/downvote reputation system, which would more or less achieve what you're looking for. However, we had this on 3DS Buzz back when I was still an admin there, and I spent 80% of my time moderating votes. It was a nuisance for moderators every time someone complained that their post was unfairly disliked and prompted an investigation, and I removed the system entirely because it proved to be such a waste of the staff's time. I don't want to put myself or my moderators through that ever again.

The Like system is nice and simple - it allows you to express your approval for a post when you don't have much to say about it in response, and people don't get butthurt over a positive point like they do over a negative one.

#72673 warning points

Posted by Feld0 on 17 April 2012 - 01:08 AM in Site News and Feedback

Your warning points are supposed to be between you and the staff only. Please do not openly discuss and compare how many you have.

As the OP's question has been answered, I'm going to lock this.

#72674 First ever screenshots of Project Cars of Wii U version

Posted by Feld0 on 17 April 2012 - 01:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This is why you should always include a source link when posting stuff you found on other sites.

The screenshots were published with this article: http://www.cinemable...CARS-41448.html

And the Nintendo logo in them is meaningless:

Slightly Mad has denied responsibility for the Nintendo livery (but not the Wii U release), with Vittorio Rapa saying, "these are fan-produced liveries, they doesn't come officially from our game (and so the logos applied to them)."

Sorry to dash your dreams, everyone, but it looks like we'll have to keep waiting to get some actual Wii U shots.

#74656 Vague, Cryptic and Off-topic Topic Titles

Posted by Feld0 on 25 April 2012 - 12:53 AM in Site News and Feedback

I agree with you, Auzzie, that vague topic titles don't help anyone. They're not good for SEO, either, as search engines will be just as clueless over the meaning of "more news" as a member browsing the place.

The good news is, renaming topics is very easy. If you feel a topic's title should be modified, please file a report (and try to include a suggested replacement title with your report) and a mod will take a look.

Plus, people are now using the general discussion more for gaming topics even more.

People shouldn't be posting gaming topics in the general discussion section to begin with. Please report any such topics you see and they'll be moved to their proper place pronto.

#74657 Wii 2 Blog - When did you join this site?

Posted by Feld0 on 25 April 2012 - 01:00 AM in The Café

Really i didn't know the site existed until now. So really i never joined. I prefer the wii u go anyways.

Wii 2 Blog is Wii U Go. ;) The site had a name change when the Wii U was announced in June 2011, but it had existed as Wii 2 Blog since September 2010.

It's kind of awesome how Wii U Go and this forum are about 1.5 years old already, even though the Wii U is still many months away.

#74658 I Guess No One Wants to Chat...

Posted by Feld0 on 25 April 2012 - 01:04 AM in The Café

Don't forget that we're a Wii U forum first and foremost, not a Wii U chatroom. From a long-term point of view, it's better for the health and sustainability of the site to spend more time posting on the forums rather than pumping 40-character messages into the chatroom.

#74659 Avatar bug? (culprit found inside)

Posted by Feld0 on 25 April 2012 - 01:14 AM in Site News and Feedback

IP.SEO has been screwing around. This should be fixed now. Please let me know if you come across any other "glitched" topics like that.

#74800 -

Posted by Feld0 on 25 April 2012 - 03:30 PM in Site News and Feedback

Most people are too lazy/disorganised/dumb to access that, Nollog. It's a win for people like us who do use it, but you can't expect every forum goer to do the same.

That said, I agree with the TC. But we should only do it when it starts to really show.

Is it really that difficult to click the big "View New Content" button at the top of every page on the site?

I don't want to increase the number of topics shown in the sidebar hook in the interest of keeping the board index nice and clean. MLP Forums is about 25 times more active than TheWiiU.com, and having 5 topics in the sidebar hasn't been a problem for anyone.

#78386 For those of you who don't check your emails.

Posted by Feld0 on 14 May 2012 - 06:13 PM in Site News and Feedback

But in the end it always comes back, nothing is lost.

And if their server doesn't have proper DDOS protection yet, then it's best that they find a new one.

And while I know that it's technically impossible to be 100% protected from DDOS attacks. There are plenty of measures that can be taken to prevent them from happening. A popular method is iptables.

One does not simply get a server with "proper" DDOS protection. To be frank, "properly" DDOS-protected servers are well beyond my budget, and there's a good reason most hosting companies don't offer any such protection - the necessary hardware to implement it properly is extremely expensive (the idea is that you want to mitigate the attack before it reaches the server it is targeted at).

In the end the point is that it's always smart to take precautions.

P.S. I doubt the botnet that attacked MLP forms is the size of the botnet that was needed to take down a government site.

Here I found some stuff for you guys to look over. Maybe it will help.




Of course, Most options will hinge on how far you are willing to go. So I suggest taking some time to think about if it's worth it, and if the attackers are likely to strike again.

I've set up Deflate, and CSF's anti-DDOS measures are already configured. The botnet that attacked MLP Forums was, at any rate, large enough to create a 1 Gbps UDP flood.

Of course, that's a given.  I'm just saying that if the MLP forums can still be taken down even with enough security measures...  The Equestria Daily and Ponychan sites probably have better security than MLP forums as they are larger targets and I almost have never heard of them being down.

Equestria Daily is hosted on Blogger, so asking someone to DDOS it is pretty much asking them to DDOS Google. As for Ponychan, they've fallen prey to DDOS attacks in the past.

The attacks do seem to have subsided, at any rate. Combined with the awesome new dedicated server I moved everything to, things should be running faster and smoother than ever before.

#80858 The new and improved forum search engine

Posted by Feld0 on 26 May 2012 - 10:22 AM in Site News and Feedback

I set up a new search backend called Sphinx, which seamlessly replaces the native MySQL fulltext search method we used before. Sphinx maintains its own search indexes separately from the database, so running a search will create no additional load on the database. This means better and more consistent site speed and loading times for everyone.

But moreover, Sphinx itself is much better at returning relevant results than MySQL as well. So when you search for something, the results should be much closer to what you were expecting to find! :)

Finally, there are a few specific usability changes I'd like to share with you:
  • The minimum word length has been lowered to 2 characters.
  • Sphinx can perform a wildcard search to match a partial word, using an asterisk as the wildcard. For example, running a search query for game* will match games and gameboy
  • Sphinx updates its search index every 15 minutes. New posts and topics may take up to 15 minutes to become searchable ("View New Content" is unaffected, by the way, as it does not use Sphinx).
Enjoy the new and improved search engine, everyone! Hopefully, it'll help us avoid getting as many duplicate topics.

#80864 Nintendo slightly updates Wii U Logo

Posted by Feld0 on 26 May 2012 - 10:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

Aww, come on. I designed Wii U Go's theme with the original teal colour. This small change suddenly made my site's entire design obsolete. :(

#80866 Nintendo slightly updates Wii U Logo

Posted by Feld0 on 26 May 2012 - 10:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

You can always change it again?, actully I would wait till E3 just in case lol.

True... I'll just have to find an hour or two to do it. :P

#81245 Get your Nintendo E3 countdown timers here!

Posted by Feld0 on 28 May 2012 - 02:39 AM in General Gaming

I put together a countdown timer to Nintendo's press conference at E3, where (among other things) we expect to finally get a look at some real Wii U games.

Posted Image

Here are the embed codes, ready for copypasta!

BBCode (for forum posts and signatures)

HTML (for websites and blogs)
<a href="http://wiiugo.com/" title="Wii U News"><img src="http://wiiugo.com/countdown/e3.png" title="Wii U E3 Countdown" /></a>

It would be really cool to see it spread around all over this forum and even on other sites, so feel free to use it anywhere you like! Don't worry about sparing my bandwidth - I've got a dedicated server with oodles of it. :)

#81384 Swear Filter

Posted by Feld0 on 28 May 2012 - 02:55 PM in Site News and Feedback

Swearing is against TheWiiU.com's rules. You shouldn't be doing it anyway - and a pony-themed swear filter is all the more reason for you to not do it. ;P

(you might not actually believe this, but I implemented the pony-themed swear filter well over a year ago, long before I even knew about MLP:FiM)

IP.Board only allows the swear filter to be controlled globally. It is impossible to toggle it on a per-user basis, as your post is processed and filtered for swear words before being saved into the database.

#81385 Facebook has been reading the site.

Posted by Feld0 on 28 May 2012 - 02:57 PM in Site News and Feedback

Facebook reads every page that a like button is displayed on. There is a like button on every topic page, so Facebook reads the topic every time anyone opens it. Nothing to be concerned about, really.

#81762 Swear Filter

Posted by Feld0 on 30 May 2012 - 12:00 AM in Site News and Feedback

To those of you confused over why I allow swearing at MLP Forums and don't allow it here, first of all, being a brony has nothing to do with anything. I've written up a different ruleset for each of my two communities that I believe to suit each community's best interests, and don't believe in "one-size-fits-all" solutions. If both of my forums are supposed to have the exact same rules and policies just because I own them, I might as well merge them together into the same site. Would make management easier, right? It would actually be a disastrous scenario on multiple levels.

Believe it or not, the average member on MLP Forums is older than the average member here on TheWiiU.com. The members I have over there are generally less likely to take offense to swearing and don't actually do too much of it. The "CAPS LOCK PONY" topic Elric linked to is the exception rather than the norm, and if you look closely you'll see that it is in the site's equivalent of a "spam" section where not taking things seriously is virtually a rule (with that said, it is also an old topic and its author has since been chided for overdoing it as well). It's not exactly a good representative topic of the community over there.

We have a few users here who aren't even teenagers yet; and in my experience, debates over gaming tend to get very ugly very fast if people are allowed to swear. For this particular community, we can avoid a lot of potential issues by just not allowing profanity to begin with.

#82722 Swear Filter

Posted by Feld0 on 02 June 2012 - 03:30 AM in Site News and Feedback

Can all be fixed by putting a swear filter to on my default but alow each user to toggle it off like n GAF or others. But I get your point. It's just really weird to read random pony references in the middle of a sentence. It makes me stop and reread what was posted and I have to fill in the blanks on what the author said loo.

A per-user toggle is impossible with IP.Board's current design, unfortunately. That would indeed be a better solution. :)

Honestly, though, I'd rather you refrain from trying to swear to begin with. Then you'll avoid ever triggering the filter and getting confusing replacements made in the first place.

#82860 Swear Filter

Posted by Feld0 on 02 June 2012 - 11:40 AM in Site News and Feedback

It isn't impossible. :( It's a pretty straight forward modification of the php files.

When I used IP, I had to manually edit the php all the time.
If you don't update often it's a great solution, but if you like to keep stuff up to date as you should, it's painful.

Forums and other websites get cracked and broken into all the time. By far one of the most common reasons I see for such incidents is that the site owners were using an old version of their software in the interest of preventing anything from breaking. Given, IP.Board is much more secure than most forum platforms, but each update includes many useful bug fixes and sometimes a security fix as well, so I tend to prioritize the installation of updates.

The third generation of the IPS framework has a hooks system designed to avoid the pain of manual code edits, but creating a hook to override the default functionality of the swear filter would require a developer who is familiar with the platform (that is, if it is even possible to hook into the swear filter). There are also performance considerations to take into account as well, considering that IPB is designed to cache posts in fully rendered, raw HTML. If each user could choose whether to see a filtered or non-filtered version of a post, this would either require the system to be modified to cache two different copies of the post or posts would need to be parsed and filtered on-demand.

These are just a few considerations to keep in mind before I start hacking away at raw PHP.

#83121 Swear Filter

Posted by Feld0 on 02 June 2012 - 07:35 PM in Site News and Feedback

I just removed nine posts arguing over 9/11 in a feedback thread regarding the swear filter. <_<

Please take it to a personal conversation, guys. I think this thread has served its purpose, so I'm gonna lock it.

#89610 SQL Errors?

Posted by Feld0 on 23 June 2012 - 11:09 PM in Site News and Feedback

I moved all of my sites to a bigger, faster, and cheaper server over the past couple of days or so. I expected the migration to go very smoothly, but a server-side analytics package created a number of unexpected issues with the process. We're now up and running on the new server, though - hope you enjoy the speed boost! :)

#89611 Pony Theme Not Working. Again.

Posted by Feld0 on 23 June 2012 - 11:10 PM in Site News and Feedback

What even is this?

There's a version of the site with an alternate, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic-themed banner at the top. Looks like the banner got glitched up during today's server migration. This has been fixed now.

#90156 Please explain "Item A is x times more powerful than Item B".....

Posted by Feld0 on 26 June 2012 - 07:30 PM in General Gaming

the only way to measure to truly prove which is powerful over another is a game looks better over each console for exacption Batman: Arkham City/ Armored Edition,

Even that isn't an accurate assessment of a console's power. Some developers are more experienced with one console than another and will thus be able to make a better-looking game on it.

The "Console A is X times more powerful than Console B" statement is a fallacy. While it is clearly possible to peg the Xbox 360 as more powerful than, say, the Nintendo 64, it is impossible to accurately quantify the actual difference in power in a single statement like that. There are far too many variables and differences both large and minute between most hardware systems to make such a comparison reliable.

There are times when such a comparison is possible - for instance, you can get a pretty good idea of just how much more powerful an Intel E5 processor is over an Intel E3 - but it gets increasingly more difficult to do so as the complexity of the hardware in question increases (comparing two CPU's is very different from comparing two complete consoles).

#91908 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Feld0 on 04 July 2012 - 04:21 PM in The Café

I....don't understand how this is serious. My little pony...like the commercials? "My little pony, My little pony". And what is a brony...a guy who likes my little pony? And a brony-dom, what? Maybe I signed up for the wrong place.

Yes, they are male adult fans of a mediocre kids show. Weird, huh. Try staying away from this thread.

Hey, I'm not an adult!

#91976 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Feld0 on 04 July 2012 - 11:07 PM in The Café

Oh my.... I knew there were some pony fans on here but i didnt realize it was EVERYONE!... i stumbled across this when i saw the simpsons guy posting on a My Little Pony thread and though that looks strange and then I find 24 pages on my little pony O_o  why are there so many guys watching this... i have this eerie feeling that the FBI is gonna bust down my door for being on some pedophile site... Why does everyone like Ponies???... You better not try to get me to conform... i shall not drink your pony cultist kool-aid!!!...

This is what I think of your precious Ponies :P

You think a 24-page thread is a lot? Try this place: http://mlpforums.com/ ;)

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