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There have been 5 items by Shane74340 (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#4305 Wii U is the perfect console!

Posted by Shane74340 on 07 June 2011 - 07:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

Not hating on the console but according to Urbandictionary.com, gimmik is a method of gaining customers with a certain trait and/or quality. The controller itself is a awesome thing because of its size. I love the controller. Better then Xboxes where I have to wrap my fingers together in order to get comfortable with the controller itself and the analog stick was made for kids cuz those are painful to use!

Anyways, I find complete interest and seeing this as a top selling(Depending on price). If it was going for a maximum of $350 or less, ps3 is doomed cuz if you think about it, buy a 6-7 year old hardware or for another $50, get the next best thing. :)

I'm kinda confuse on why the have the option of 480p? I mean, who's really gonna stick with that..?

I'm a total buyer of this console! Especially the idea of not using TV to play the game(Sorry bad grammer :C) I can see my Dad watching Nascar while I can Mimic the drivers move on the nascar game(Maybe NTG:2012 or NTG:2013).

What do you love of the controller?

The reason they still have 480p is because some people still don't have HDTVs. (SDTVs)
My favorite feature of the controller is the streaming capabilities. I no longer have to share the TV.

PS: You don't have bad grammar.

Maybe we'll see "LittleBigPlanet" come to Wii U?

#4303 Wii U Graphical Demo in case you missed it.

Posted by Shane74340 on 07 June 2011 - 07:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wasn't this the one that was confirmed to have been run on the Xbox 360?

Nope, the third party games were confirmed to be 360 footage.

#3601 The ideal Console

Posted by Shane74340 on 02 June 2011 - 11:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Al I want is HD(cuz the head aches makes playing difficult), controller that isnt like xbox cuz those controllers are for kids(meaning, their small...), patching, better online, more mature games.
BTW Rumors says the console is better the PS3's move, but the controller isnt a stick like the move or wii. Debunked? Or is Nintendo re-designing the motion controller?

Nintendo may actually be releasing a upgraded Wii Mote along with the Cafe standard controller.

Keeping the Wii Remote would be a handy marketing trick; keeping the casual market.

#3152 The ideal Console

Posted by Shane74340 on 25 May 2011 - 07:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

This is what I think the Next console will have:

Controller: Standard along with Upgraded Wii Remote
Full HD (1080p) output + optional 3D
512MB ~ 1GB RAM (Very Streamlined OS)
AMD/ATI R700 + Cinema 2.0 (Most likely custom version; Provides Ultra realistic graphics. Just YouTube it)
80GB, 120GB HDD Storage Options
32GB SSD Storage Option
2.4GHz CPU (playing it safe. IGN's 3.2+ rumor is ridiculous)
Likely Game Medium: Blu-Ray.
Unlikely Game Medium: Holographic/3D Cartridges.

Games: Sports Game, Miyamoto's New IP, Mario Party 9, Mario Kart Title, Mario Title, Pikmin 3.*

* The pieces of the puzzle fit for Pikmin 3 being moved to Cafe.

#2895 What type of storage media will Wii 2 games come on?

Posted by Shane74340 on 17 May 2011 - 07:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think it will be on Double Layer DVDs like on the Xbox 360 because I don't know if Nintendo would want to pay the Blu-Ray group (which is led by Sony) the money for the license to have a Blu-Ray player. HD-DVD has been dead for a couple years so I highly doubt that they will use that.

You kidding me? I think Nintendo would jump HD-DVD because it's "dead". The reason? It will be so cheap to license.

I think that's why Nintendo stuck with carts, instead of going with discs, with N64; licensing costs.

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