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There have been 308 items by HaoSenVastForest (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#85680 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 08 June 2012 - 06:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

Where do you get off on saying that it would be so weak when we don't even know how powerful the 3DS is? Unless you hear from Nintendo itself saying "We have confirmed that it is only 1.5x as powerful as current gen" We really have no reason to believe it. Besides I would know because I am a worker for Ubisoft working on Assassins Creed and I know it isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360 even. I just wanted to leak that info so I can crush you Nintendo fanboys and make it so that Microsoft rules supreme.

#85679 Unreal Engine 4 (Video e3)

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 08 June 2012 - 06:06 AM in General Gaming

Meh my opinion is that Unreal Engine looks awesome! I really would want to see what Cry Engine 4 is too!

#85463 Hottest Person?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 07 June 2012 - 04:26 PM in The Café


#85221 Ubisoft won E3!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 07 June 2012 - 02:40 AM in General Gaming

I think the problem was that we just put our expectations for Nintendo too high because I thought it was a good conference! Anyways I would place Nintendo second after Ubisoft too.

#85071 E3 Clarifications.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 06 June 2012 - 03:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree with you ^. Nintendo really did play their hand right and they got lucky with all this 3rd party support. We now just have to wait and see what unfolds though.

#85028 question about Wii U controller

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 06 June 2012 - 01:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think the same way that they would use the Classic controller.

#84585 PS4 tech demo E3 2012... book it!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 June 2012 - 03:22 PM in General Gaming

But how would Sony know beforehand that it would be inferior? And besides we have been confirmed that the Wii U is technologically superior to its competitors.

#84550 What you think of the launch/launch window titles?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 June 2012 - 02:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well look at the bright side...... It is better than the 3DS line up......

#84549 PS4 tech demo E3 2012... book it!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 June 2012 - 01:59 PM in General Gaming

Obviously they didn't have to show it. Not one game for wii u looks close to level of graphics of ps3 best.

Uhhhh..... I dont know about you but ZombiU looked pretty good too....

#84534 PS4 tech demo E3 2012... book it!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 June 2012 - 01:25 PM in General Gaming

Hey where is your PS4 now! WHERE IS IT! WHERE IS IT HUH?! :P

#84501 Ubisoft's ZombieU

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 June 2012 - 11:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This game looks really cool and I cant wait until it comes out! I really would like to see this game on the Wii U. I am not so sure if the graphics are truly next gen.

#84486 Will the new controller be as tiring as the motion control?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 June 2012 - 11:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

No because it doesn't entirely rely just on that remote. Also you get Classic Controller U and dang that thing looks comfy.

#84017 Welland Academy, Home of the Gifted

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 04 June 2012 - 04:15 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

When Vacili gets out of his pathetic state of weaping he prepares for martial arts. He looks at the Schedual paper and sees that we are to report to the dojo. Vacili heads on over to meet Mr.Lieu. He seems like a nice guy and all but when the bell rings he says "Listen up you worthless maggots I want four squads and we will rotate excercizes. Squad one will do pushups! Squad two will do sit ups! Squad three will do pull ups! Last and least will do planks!"

#83278 Redesign of the Wii U?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 03 June 2012 - 08:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

#83277 Hypothetical Spec Battle: Wii U VS PS4

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 03 June 2012 - 08:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

I still dont see anything that confirms it...

#82976 do you think it will be possible, that you could play ds/3ds games on the wii u?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 02 June 2012 - 02:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree with you^ But still it is always possible.

#82975 Get your Nintendo E3 countdown timers here!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 02 June 2012 - 02:33 PM in General Gaming

I-It's not much, b-b-but, fell free to use mine too.

I actually like yours better!

#82974 Hypothetical Spec Battle: Wii U VS PS4

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 02 June 2012 - 02:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

http://playstationli...s4-development/ It's not "confirmed", but a top dog at Sony says it's in development.

Really well this is also from Sony "A near-future PS4 or next-generation home console is not something that we are even debating now."

#82851 Hypothetical Spec Battle: Wii U VS PS4

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 02 June 2012 - 11:09 AM in Wii U Hardware


Not quite. They may talk about it but they never have confirmed it.

#82828 Hypothetical Spec Battle: Wii U VS PS4

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 02 June 2012 - 08:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

There'll be a PS4, but unless it really takes off, it'll be their last one, especially if the Vita keeps up the pace.

Who confirmed the PS4?

#82730 Hypothetical Spec Battle: Wii U VS PS4

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 02 June 2012 - 04:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well I dont think that these specs are possible because we dont even know if there will be a PS4 at all. Sony is hurting so bad they cant even think about it at the moment because right now they have to attempt to get the Vita to sell. If they start on the PS4 now it would be contradictory to what they want to do.

#82639 Welland Academy, Home of the Gifted

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 01 June 2012 - 07:01 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Vacili is slipping away. He feels a stabbing feeling in his back. Then he notices; he has been stabbed. More anger starts to swell up as he feels betrayed not knowing his own actions. He is bleeding out now. His sight is starting to fade. He feels tired. Now his vision has faded comepletely. No wait there is someone with him. It was his sister. Vacili starts to cry as the memories hit him like a wall. He regains vision and continues to cry. Running to his dorm he locks the doors shut. He just lies in bed saying how sorry he is for killing his family.

#82630 PS4 tech demo E3 2012... book it!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 01 June 2012 - 06:18 PM in General Gaming

There wont be a PS4 at E3 this year. There might not even be one at all. This could very well be Sonys final E3. Anyone who has done abit of research will know Sony is in HUGE!!! trouble finacial wise.

They lost $6.4 Billion last year which is 1/3 of the entire Sony Companys worth. Sony said they predict that will happen again this year. Meaning in 2 years they lost 2/3 of their companies worth. If that happens they cannot recover. Sony Investors have lost all faith in Sony, not to mention Sony hasnt made a profit for 4 years in a row...

The Playstation 3 is still selling decently announcing a PS4 would cut the PS3 sales and people would wait for that. If they made the PS4 a powerhouse to destroy Wii U then it would be expensive as hell and would be a repeat of the PS3 launch. Sony would be shooting themselfs in the foot.

They need to MAKE money not shovel out more money to make a new console.

Also have you not heard that they plan on introducing IN GAME ADVERTISEMENTS! Your fighting a boss then all of a sudden an ad pops up. Your playing COD and your in a fight with someone all of a sudden on your screen you see "Catch the best romantic comedy of the summer" and a video starts playing...

Sony is in huge trouble currently THERE WILL NOT BE A PS4 THIS E3. They will focus heavily on Vita games. It will be a snooze fest again cause Sony people are like robots no personality.

Not to mention the heads of Sony and the Xbox division of microsoft have said numerous times WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SHOW THIS E3 INVOLVING THE PS3's SUCCESSOR OR THE 360'S SUCCESSOR.

Finally someone who knows what they are talking about! And it does not matter if thy sell Vita's because they are selling it for a 60$ loss already! They need to sell software and name one good title other than uncharted!

#82627 Welland Academy, Home of the Gifted

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 01 June 2012 - 06:03 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

He starts to laugh menacingly and flames spark up everywhere as he looses control of himself. The creature starts to melt but dispite that the flames just keep getting bigger and hotter. The ground is starting to melt as he continues his rage.

#82622 Gray

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 01 June 2012 - 05:45 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

The police station is now just in front of him. He turns the doorknob slowly. When he opens it he sees the policemen surrounding him. He starts his dance of death by lighting a man on fire. They hesatate in a shocked state. "I love you policemen! You think you are actually helping the world! Oh how wrong can you get?" One of them draws a gun out so Gray quickly pulls out Black Blood to cut his arms to stubs. He gets an expression on his face. One that you can't tell of it is a frown or a wicked smile. Fire engulfs the station as it lights up with flames and screaming. "Life is hell!"

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