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#76682 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by 10k on 03 May 2012 - 04:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

Sticking by with what I said last summer. Wii U will launch at $349.99 USD and games will retail for $59.99

#51049 Wii U Online Network Thread

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 04:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo Stream still sounds amazing to me


Stream or Cafe or WUN (Wii U Network) or NWN (Nintendo Wii U Network) or just NN (Nintendo Network)

#74841 Wii U Needs To Sell For $350 just to break even

Posted by 10k on 25 April 2012 - 06:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Lol. This analyst fails.

If it costs $180 in raw materials then that's good. You also need to add labour, assembly, packaging, shipping, etc.

Those put together is roughly $200 to make. Add wholesaler and retail markup and you get around $299.

#77509 Wii u Menu mock up I made

Posted by 10k on 08 May 2012 - 04:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

That mockup I posted isn't mine. It's by Nibel from GAF. The OP had a similar design, windows and tv screens like the 3DS/Wii menu. It's good and clean.

#77496 Wii u Menu mock up I made

Posted by 10k on 08 May 2012 - 04:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

Posted Image
Posted Image

#87638 Wii U May Not Have a Built-In Storage

Posted by 10k on 14 June 2012 - 06:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

It will need built in storage to store the OS and other features but it won't be rewritable. It will be flash based. Fine by me, I got a 500MB external HDD but I prefer physical media anyway (it's tangible and resellable)

#70728 Wii U Manufacturing costs?

Posted by 10k on 08 April 2012 - 07:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

It sounds very likely. I believe it. If it is true, individual controllers will cost about 65$, which is perfectly reasonable, especially if only two tablet controllers are compatible with each system.

60 days till we find out!

No, the cost to make will be $65. Then you have to include shipping, packaging, retailer markup, middleman markup, and then you got yourself an $80 controller approx.

#57556 Wii U Launch This Holiday Season

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 12:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Let's also not forget that the Wii is virtually not being supported anymore so how bad will it make Nintendo look if they expect nobody to play their consoles until Xmas (their last major release being the Xmas before that, skyward sword)?

Investors would shoot Iwata for that.

#57554 Wii U Launch This Holiday Season

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 12:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm not happy for this for a few reasons:

1) I don't want to wait until holiday 2012 because that is too long and I am broke every Xmas because I buy ppl gifts, I won't be able to spend $400+ on myself

2) Nintendo needs to take advantage of the time they have the market to themselves. It's better to get 17 months of the gaming Marie to themselves instead of 12

3) the summer time is boring for gaming, and the wii u could fill the void by being released along with summer releases like Darksiders 2

4) Nintendo said all markets would have it by Xmas but at least one market will get it in the summer (Japan and/or NA).

Australia gets everything last do I think they will get it November 2012 but everyone else will get it in Augustish.

#58876 Wii U Launch This Holiday Season

Posted by 10k on 31 January 2012 - 07:04 PM in Wii U Hardware

I will get one at launch if the price is - oh who am I kidding? Nintendo had my money at "HD Nintendo Console and Zelda tech demo"

#57793 Wii U Launch This Holiday Season

Posted by 10k on 27 January 2012 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

Let's just hope that this time Nintendo will be able to keep up with the possibility of high-demand.
Remember what happened with the Wii and how everyone turned into hungry lions looking for one during the holiday season?

Yes. I could not approach a wal-mart or eb games for months when that happened. I laughed at those people though because I got one at launch haha.

#49189 Wii U is supposedly "NOT" next gen

Posted by 10k on 25 December 2011 - 06:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

Everyone who knows technology and business knows the next Xbox and ps4 will be more powerful than the wii u. Nintendo is a gaming company only and is worth about $20 billion USD.

Microsoft is a software company that is worth over $80 billion USD from selling operating systems (Windows), Microsoft office, and even the programs that video game developers use (C++, C#).

Sony is worth around $30 billion USD from selling TV's, Radio's, Sound Systems, and the highly successful PS1 and PS2.

This means that companies like Microsoft and Sony can release high powered consoles at a loss for the first few years because th ey h ave other branches of business to sustain them. Nintendo has to make a profit on each console sold from launch or close to launch (max one year) or they lose too much money to be sustainable.

However, sony of Japan president said the PS4 will focus more on new control systems and innovative gameplay over huge graphics leaps. So the distance between the consoles power won't be much. Its the recession now, nobody will be stupid enough to launch a console at $500+

#47160 Wii U is supposedly "NOT" next gen

Posted by 10k on 12 December 2011 - 05:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

The difference between the Wii U and PS4/Xbox Next wont be like the wii and ps3. It will be like the difference between the GameCube and the Xbox 1, which isn't that big. Games will still be ported to it.

If the wii u specs are true, the wii u will be leaps and bounds ahead of ps3 and not that far from a ps4. This generation won't be a big leap like the leap to HD was. The next gen will focus on true 1080p at 60 fps with 4x AA instead of the upscaled crap on the current gen software with no AA (halo 3 was run at 640p, cod is run at 720p and only 30 fps)

#57803 Wii U Controller Update

Posted by 10k on 27 January 2012 - 06:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Apparently there's more to the Wii U super controller then we could imagine. Please read.


It also grills on hell of a steak!:).......and apparently charges you for it on the spot.

Pokemon trading card game with spawning monsters on screen confirmed! Also, the official name of the controller, as said by Iwata last night is, "the u-control"

#75094 Wii U Console Redesign

Posted by 10k on 26 April 2012 - 04:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

The most redesign they will do is minor aethestic changes. Perhaps they will make the Wii U more appealing when standing vertical? Maybe add a couple of curves and lights here and there. As for the tablet, that is where the major redesign can happen. Will it get analog sticks, analog triggers or both? Will it get different button placement, speaker placement or will they up rez the touchscreen to 720p? Who knows? Maybe they will change the logo and go back to their "Red" Nintendo logo and add some red lines and lights here and there to differentiate it from the blue and white Wii. We shall see.

#60362 Wii U colors (With Pictures)

Posted by 10k on 07 February 2012 - 09:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

I just had to do this hehe

Posted Image

#76321 Wii U can do crazy insane 3D engines- Tyrone Rodriguez, Nicalis

Posted by 10k on 01 May 2012 - 03:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wii U to run Unreal Engine 6 confirmed!

#76452 Wii U can do crazy insane 3D engines- Tyrone Rodriguez, Nicalis

Posted by 10k on 01 May 2012 - 02:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

Unreal Engine 4 is the newest Unreal Engine......

Haha it was sarcasm. Didn't think I had to clarify. The best part of that statement is when he said it should have enough power to run the best 3D engines for 5 years. That's a standard Nintendo cycle and it will mean the 720/PS4 won't smoke the Wii U for long, and we wiil still get ports.

#53399 Wii U at GDC 2012?

Posted by 10k on 11 January 2012 - 01:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

The only thing Nintendo has done to frustrate me so far with the Wii U is it's hype. Not many people are excited about it, know about it, or know its a whole new console. And if Reggie didn't flat out deny the wii u launching around E3, then why isn't Isis thing being marketed like mad right now. Hell, I keep calling stores to pre-order it and they aren't accepting pre orders yet and we could see this thing in 5-7 months from now.

#57575 Wii U Announced/Rumored Games List *Will Update*

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 12:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

"Darth Vader Choke and Voice" I find the lack of orange on this list disturbing.


#80491 Wii u and pc

Posted by 10k on 24 May 2012 - 04:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

If it could run that ^... It'd be gooood

Watch that video in 1080p. Keep in mind Youtube has a 30fps limit so you won't be able to detect the 60fps. That is maxed settings with tesselation. Just imagine if the Wii U could run that with only 2xAA and just tesselation and 30fps. I would be happy with those graphics for at least 5 years.

#80465 Wii u and pc

Posted by 10k on 24 May 2012 - 11:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

Depends on the PC. Battlefield 3 for PC on max settings and 1080p with tesselation is a next gen game. If the U can do that, then it will be as good as a 2011 PC. But I think the U will have top of the line components from 2009 (similar to my PC, except for my new GPU)

#85241 Wii u 3rd party titles look better?

Posted by 10k on 07 June 2012 - 05:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

links plz


assassin's creed iii was also in the ubisoft booth, but it was only the mulitplayer. this was another capture the flag type thing. if you were in an area capturing and the other team showed up, you could only stun them. if another team showed up in your area, you could murder them. i had a couple of kills myself, although i took down many civilians on accident (assuming they were actually the other team). one guy did pretty well in stunning two of us, laying down a smoke bomb, and nearly vanishing before another guy from our team killed him. i liked the multiplayer.

as for the single player, i didn't see anything at the ubisoft booth, the microsoft booth, or the sony booth. the only single player game being played was one kiosk at the nintendo booth. and this was being manned by a ubisoft employee only so no one else could play. according to the guy at the booth, the wii u version is 720p, 30fps, and that is the same across all consoles. the game is the same across all consoles (aside from the gamepad stuff on the wii u), and it looks the same across all consoles.the single-player itself looks pretty nice. i jumped in with the second assassin's creed and was really unsure about the change in scenery, but after today, i'm more interested in seeing how it turns out. i thought it was cool how main character man escaped up a ship's sails, bouncing up the ropes to get there. i was worried that setting this new game in relatively new places like 100 year-old boston and new york would make for few rooftops and platforming to be done, but that appears not to be the case (mostly). i'll keep an eye on this as well.

#85265 Wii u 3rd party titles look better?

Posted by 10k on 07 June 2012 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

neither of these two links proved any of what you previously said, the first link is not from a reliable source and is based off personal opinion of an unfinalised game. the second article doesn't indicate the game looks worse on the wii u.

Read the third link then in the quote box. Also, the topic title says will 3rd party games look better on wii u, and the answer is no, the will look the same. All articles state that.

#85182 Wii u 3rd party titles look better?

Posted by 10k on 06 June 2012 - 09:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

ACIII was conformed to be a direct port by Ubisoft. 720p, 30fps, 2xAA with some better water effects and gamepad controls. Ubisoft did not take advantage of the extra ram the console has. Most third parties won't make the Wii U version the better until the other two consoles come out, as the Wii U may become the base console.

Batman had texture pop-in and looks worse due to unoptimization so far.

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