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#78543 Don't Spend You Club Nintendo Coins Just Yet.

Posted by 10k on 15 May 2012 - 05:39 PM in General Gaming

Muahahaha Nintendo of Canada gets all the good stuff!

*Looks at angry Europeans and Australian board members*
*Runs away*

#69640 Does anyone notice how the bad rumors came right after the bad PS4/720 rumors?

Posted by 10k on 04 April 2012 - 08:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

To be fair, even Nintendo fanboys get it on it and try to take down the Sony and Xbox fanboys down a notch. All consoles have not good fanboys.

There was a theory on NeoGaF (this has happened before actually, it is a popular marketing tactic) where Microsoft and Sony pay ppl to basically make some bad press for their competitors so draw attention away. If the rumors are true that the Wii U has the stage to itself at E3 and no successors to the PS or Xbox will be announced, then I can see Microsoft or Sony hiring ppl to carp on Nintendo and leak false information. It goes both ways too. I'm sure Nintendo has hired ppl to make articles about how Xbox won't have BC or play used games, etc.

The theory fits. Last week everyone was like "if the PS4 and Xbox don't play used or arent backwards compatible, then I'm getting a Wii U or sticking to PC". A Sony or Microsoft employee reads that (GaF has huge influence in the industry, as well as N4G and IGN) and starts doing PR control and tries to deflect the negativity to it's competitor to avoid Xbox's issue ( a Red Herring http://en.wikipedia....iki/Red_herring)

#83739 Did your opinion change after Direct?

Posted by 10k on 04 June 2012 - 03:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

1) it comes in black
2) the classic controller pro
3) Social aspect/MiiVerse

All of those have hyped me up! The pro controller suits me for fighting games like SSBB since the tablet seems to big for that kind of experience. Might throw JRPGs into that category unless developers really make some unique games with it.

The MiiVerse makes me not dislike my Mii anymore and gives it a reason to exist.

#77552 Dev Kit V5

Posted by 10k on 09 May 2012 - 03:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ideamans change to the dev kit is not the controller. That was the only hint. So it's probably a software/OS feature

#77598 Dev Kit V5

Posted by 10k on 09 May 2012 - 03:43 PM in Wii U Hardware

Voice and facial recognition?

Thats a controller feature and has been confirmed already

#57431 Darkest Zelda Title

Posted by 10k on 25 January 2012 - 11:51 PM in General Gaming

Darkest: Majora's Mask
Favourite: Ocarina of Time (I don't think any Zelda will be more special to me, the point in my life that I played this game will never be recreated and it was just to awesome back in the day)
Least: Phantom Hourglass (handheld) Wind Waker (console)

Wind Waker took out two dungeons and replaced them with the most annoying part of WW, looking for triforce peices in the sea. My disdain for fetch quests knows no bounds. The sea travelling was abysmal.

#88909 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

So if you DOUBTERS on this site actually read between the lines like I have been saying. He basically said in that interview the Wii U is already running a next gen engine. But I'm sure that isn't good enough for you guys.

Cryengine 3 runs on both PS3 and 360 downscaled. It's not next gen. Call me when they say frostbite 2 or unreal 4.

#89044 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 03:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

UE4 also runs on xbox360 and ps3 downscaled. call me when u actually know something about technology

Unreal 4 hasn't been released yet lol. It's a next gen engine that can only be ran by a 2011 level GPU. Call ME when you learn something about technology. Just because I am trying to be realistic and keep your hype levels in check doesn't mean you can start insulting me. I insulted nobody. Just because I said something that disagrees with your point of view I get insulted? Grow up dude.

#74495 Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U:(

Posted by 10k on 24 April 2012 - 02:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software


To be clear: IF Crysis 3 doesn't come to Wii U, it's not AT ALL because of a hardware reason, from what i know, the system can run the latest CryEngine optimally. At 720p, but optimally.

Consider this a fact, and spare me the "blablabla ideaman blablabla i doubt him blablabla" ><

There. Cheer up. Confirmed by both wsippel and IdeaMan. Crysis 3 can run on Wii U at 720p, if it misses out on Wii U it's not a hardware issue. It's an NDA issue where Crytek can't say anything until E3. Why do you think we haven't heard about anything Wii U wise from the big companies like EA or Ubisoft? (Killer Freaks updates have not happened since being revealed last E3)

Downgraded from PC version but better than 3f0 and PS3 you mean right?

Yeah...Wii U needs an exlusive new IP from a big 3rd party that blows this gen best out the water. That's "IF" nintendo really wants the hardcore back and want to get those PS3 and 360 gamers to buy there system at launch.

Yeah I mean that it will probably run it at 2xAA and 720p with lower textures and a lower fps. Still awesome, but laughable compared to the PC version that will have high resolution textures, AF, 8xAA, 60fps, and true 1080p.

#74484 Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U:(

Posted by 10k on 24 April 2012 - 01:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's called an NDA people. He was smirking when he said it. It was a double negative for a reason. It will be downgraded as hell, and probably a rainbowty version like Crysis for consoles, but mark my words, Crysis 3 will end up on Wii U.

#74527 Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U:(

Posted by 10k on 24 April 2012 - 04:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Interviewer: Any chance of seeing Crysis 3 on Wii U?

Crytek Guy: Well, I won't say nev-Posted Image

:blink: not a fat chance Crysis 3 is coming to Wii U

*runs away*

Or this happened.

Posted Image

This could very well be. 720p? is that like a certain version of CryEngine 3 like the latest 3.4 version or it can only run CryEngine 3 at 720p period? It doesn't matter to me just curious.

It can run CryEngine 3 and support it's main features like lighting, bloom, bitmapping, textures, physics etc. It just won't have the frames per second or eye candy of the PC version (CryEngine was designed with pushing the PC to max in mind). It won't look as sexy as the PC version but it will look better than the 360/PS3 for sure and offer a solid framerate at 720p as opposed to 1080p on the PC.

#59935 Control Comparison of Shooters

Posted by 10k on 05 February 2012 - 05:48 PM in General Gaming


1. Mouse and Keyboard
2. Motion Controls
3. Dual Analog

#57425 Capcom: What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is...

Posted by 10k on 25 January 2012 - 10:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

You...... you've inspired me.
Posted Image
I hope your body is ready.

HAHAHAHA oh that's gold! Reggie Assassin.

#57401 Capcom: What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is...

Posted by 10k on 25 January 2012 - 07:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

Posted ImageI suck with microsoft paint, but here is my idea of a Nintendo Assassin.


#57428 Capcom: What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is...

Posted by 10k on 25 January 2012 - 11:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think gamings best days were when it was just 2 consoles against eachother. Sega vs. Nintendo, Sony vs. Nintendo, etc. I would love for one console manufactuer to bow out (rumors that no PS4 is planned and over 4 billion in losses just from the PS3 alone hints to Sony but I doubt it) because it is much easier to own and buy just two console and avoid huge back catalogues and spending crazy money (I get Nintendo's consoles always, than get a second console later. This gen I own all 3 but my gaming rig is starting to see all the third party games that I bought the 360 and PS3 for. Now I just use my consoles for exclusives)

Microsoft seems to be taking all their consumers and briging them back to PC with Kinect for PC, Xbox 360 controllers for PC, all the apps and stuff, they seem to be converting to casual now.

They could bow out as well. I think we can all agree Nintendo won't bow out this coming gen so they are safe.

#79710 Can Wii U be Nintendo's best console ever?

Posted by 10k on 20 May 2012 - 10:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

So we have 16 days until nintendo officially unveils the final version of the Wii U. So my question is can the Wii U beat out whatever you may think is the best nintendo console of all time? For me I think its the SNES. Now there was a pre E3 2011 rumor that nintendo wanted to replicate the success of the SNES with the Wii U. Basically wanting a modern day SNES. I have very HIGH expectations for this console. I believe over time when developers and gamers have years to play with this controller its going to revolutionize gaming. I can totally see microsoft or sony copying this controller. There are already rumors off apps being created for games given an advantage over other console and making Wii U the must have version of games that are coming out. I do think that nintendo needs a 3rd party exclusive trilogy a la gears of war for 360. Not like the exact same kind of game that gears of war was. Just a hardcore 3rd party game with superb visual and addictive gameplay that has room to grow the story but also try and outdue the previous game and top it. Truthfully I'm not worried about the visuals or online for the Wii U. I do truly believe this console is going to be the best overall console nintendo ever releases. What are your thoughts?

The SNES days will never exist again. Not until third parties forgive Nintendo and Nintendo loses their ways. Also, unless Nintendo makes consoles that are on par with their competitors (Genesis and SNES were not that far apart) the SNES will never happen again.

The NES and SNES were like the PS1 and PS2 for Sony. It came into the market, provided some new experiences, awesome games, and won the gamer crowd over, which lead to higher console sales and more developer support (third party, exclusives, etc.) The third console is when both got cocky (N64 and PS3) going for powerful hardware and banking on developers to utilize it, when instead, they flocked to your competitors for various reasons.

But, do I think the Wii U can become Nintendo's most successful console of all time? No. The market has changed too much since 2006. I don;t think we will ever see a 100 million selling console again, thanks to tablets and smartphones, etc. The casuals are pretty much gone now, it's just the core gamers left imo. Do I think the Wii U can lead the market next gen and sell a high number of consoles (say 70 million like)? Yes.

I mean, lets take a look at all of Nintendo's innovations they have provided in the industry so far, hardware wise.
  • D-Pad (NES)
  • Shoulder Buttons (SNES)
  • Four Face Buttons (Adding X and Y to SNES when the Genesis only had ABC)
  • Analog Joystick (N64)
  • Analog+Digital Trigger (GameCube)
  • Dual Screen Gaming (DS)
  • Touch Screen Gaming (DS)
  • Glasses free 3D (3DS)
  • Motion Controls (Wii)
The Wii U is poised to have all these features (minus the 3D, it will support it if the TV supports it, but the tablet won't have it) plus NFC, possibly the vitality sensor, the ability to stream content to the screen and play on the controller without a TV. Just the controller alone is the most innovative thing the gaming industry has seen. It has all of Nintendo's innovations packed into it, and I can see it selling.

Nintendo always has the software to sell it's hardware, so we know the games will be there, the question is if third parties will be on board (the one's that ditched them during the N64 days) and the answer to that depends on the hardware specs (which based on Epic, Gearbox, and Vigil games comments, is next-gen and powerful enough).

The Wii U will use the same media format as it's competitors (25GB discs, like Blu Ray), so no excuses for production costs, plus it will support external HDD's and SD Cards (something you can't do with Xbox and PS) which will save gamers a ton of money.

The Wii U is also rumored to have a full app store and be the first social console, so I believe it can win back some of the casuals that only bought the Wii as a toy.

Overall, I think the Wii U will end up being a success for Nintendo and will see the gamers who left them for the PS1 and PS2 come back. It may be the best console in hardcore Nintendo fan's opinion, but I stand by my fact that it won't sell well just because it's Nintendo, and the last two core consoles they made that had the same gimmicks as their competitors flopped (N64 33 million, GCN 21 million). I would consider 40 million in sales a success for the Wii U, but I don't see it selling the same numbers as the Wii or 360 did this gen.

If you ask alot of Nintendo gamers what they think the best Ninty console was, many say it was the GameCube because of it's exclusives, graphics, controller, etc. But the fact is, it is the worst selling Nintendo console. So, our opinions on success don't factor into sales for Nintendo.

TL:DR If by successful you mean sales, no I don't think the Wii U will be a sales success. If by a Nintendo fan's standards of games and features you think it will be a success, and winning some core gamers back, then yes, I think it will be a success.

#79715 Can Wii U be Nintendo's best console ever?

Posted by 10k on 20 May 2012 - 10:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

Every new console is better than the previous one.

Nope. Hardware wise yes, but in terms of games, controllers, nastalgia, features, etc. it's hard to say that.

The GameCube was my favourite Nintendo console, followed by the N64 and SNES. Despite the Wii having many exclusive games (Galaxy 1 and 2 and Zelda:SS and TP are in my top 10 games) it is one of my least favourite Nintendo consoles.

The PS1 had awesome JRPG's that the PS3 didn't, so I like the PS1 over the PS3.

#59252 Can anybody recommend good PS3 games?

Posted by 10k on 02 February 2012 - 02:35 PM in General Gaming

I got my PS3 in August because i took advantage of a sweet deal ($200 for a 160GB PS3 Slim). Sony has come up with some new IP's this gen and I thought I would enjoy the back catalogue the PS3 has. Sadly, many of the new IP's I didn't like for whatever reason. I'm not a racing fan or shooter fan so Gran Turismo 5 is already ruled out, along with Killzone. However I did enjoy the Resitances 1 & 2 (yet to play 3).

Here is what I bought and played so far for my PS3:

Uncharted (Loved)
Uncharted 2 (Loved)
God of War I & II HD (Loved)
God of War III (Loved)
Final Fantasy XIII (I loved it, sorry to all the people that don't lol)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (I have yet to open it)
inFamous (sold it, didnt like it, overrated imo)
Resistance 1 and 2 (Loved)

I downloaded the demo's for LittleBigPlanet, Twisted Metal, Heavy Rain, Ratchet and Clank and Rayman Origins. I liked Twisted Metal and Heavy Rain but I am not too keen on Ratchet and LBP. Bayonetta has caught my eye.

Many third party games I get for the PC like Batman and Skyrim and Sonic Generations, etc. so I am only looking for console exclusives on the PS3.

I enjoy RPG's, Action Adventure, Platformers, and Sci-fi shooters (like BioShock or something).

I am a single player gamer, so forget about games with short campaigns or heavy multiplayer focus.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

#60288 Can anybody recommend good PS3 games?

Posted by 10k on 07 February 2012 - 05:20 PM in General Gaming

Not really. Just racers sometimes.

Given the choices people are giving me...I feel safe in saying that nobody actually read what I have or what my restrictions were, and just read the title...and rushed to post. :P

This is my thead actually lol.

#59659 Can anybody recommend good PS3 games?

Posted by 10k on 04 February 2012 - 05:06 PM in General Gaming

So far I plan on trying Eternal Sonata and Heavy Rain. Heavenly sword just seems like a watered down God of War based on the demo.

I don't like sandbox games like infamous, GTA, and Red Dead :(

I prefer the linearity of JRPGs and adventure games.

#59323 Can anybody recommend good PS3 games?

Posted by 10k on 02 February 2012 - 06:35 PM in General Gaming

I forgot to list Uncharted 3. I already beat it. I got it for xmas. Wonderful game.

#81448 Boba vs. Samus

Posted by 10k on 28 May 2012 - 07:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Samus wins hands down. She is my favourite Nintendo character. She is a bad ass bounty hunter, does everything solo, has awesome powerups, a cool suit, and (this is lowly of me) she is hot....*ashamed* <_<

#88640 Blizzard Says StarCraft On Wii U "Might Work"

Posted by 10k on 19 June 2012 - 08:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Have a digital keyboard on the GamePad and use the joysticks to move the mouse? This won't work. I love Nintendo, I love Starcraft II, I don't love this.

Its like saying how I love chocolate but I also love lobster. Will dipping lobster in chocolate make it more awesome? No, it would make me quite sick actually and ruin my taste for both things forever.

#88670 Blizzard Says StarCraft On Wii U "Might Work"

Posted by 10k on 19 June 2012 - 11:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The first one was on the N64.

And it was an abomination.

#69641 ARE YOU WiiN KIDDING ME OR WHAT ! Another BS "weak" troll

Posted by 10k on 04 April 2012 - 08:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo having a DSP helps the CPU A LOT! Apparently, the way the Xbox 360 CPU was designed, it calculated the audio and it took up almost 50% of processing power. The Wii U will most likely have 3 cores at 3.2GHz but because it has dedicated audio on a seperate chip that calculates on its own, it will leave more CPU power, which means better physics and AI. Couple that with a superior GPU and RAM and you have yourself a true next gen console (if devs optimize the Wii U's hardware and I/O correctly)

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