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#286687 Possible Super Smash Four Character Selection screen leaked.

Posted by tboss on 26 May 2014 - 01:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

after looking the the leaked pictures. this one looks better than most.


also the third pic has a Ridley troll pick, to me it implies eather A: fake, B: Sakuri allowed the leak, C: The poster knows they will get in alot more trouble if they do take the pic.

#286894 The Order 1886 Dev: "Story is first priority, gameplay is last priority"

Posted by tboss on 28 May 2014 - 08:20 AM in General Gaming

order 1886 now confirmed to be a joke.


move along.

#286895 Sony CEO Believes PS4 Will be More Profitable Than PS2

Posted by tboss on 28 May 2014 - 08:22 AM in General Gaming



i can see PS4 being profitable, unlike the PS3.

#287062 Mario Kart 8 Free Mercedes-Benz GLA DLC

Posted by tboss on 29 May 2014 - 08:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

please don't be OP, please don't be OP, please don't be OP.


please don't be pay to win.......

#287066 What Mario Kart 8 Character will you use?

Posted by tboss on 29 May 2014 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Baby Peach! When my family first started playing Mario Kart Wii regularly, we noticed that Baby Peach was often in first. So I decided I would play as her. xD And now she's my main! :)


i didn't notice this, i usually saw a heavy character with the bowser's bike winning most often.

#287121 Super Smash Bros. Invitational @ E3 2014 Details

Posted by tboss on 29 May 2014 - 01:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

ffa with top 2 advancing? not enough time for 1v1 all the way to the top.  items on doesn't bother me as much because they are ffa games.



also gamecube controllers. people don't need to learn a new control scheme for smash anymore...

#287128 Gamecube controller adapter for WIiU

Posted by tboss on 29 May 2014 - 01:34 PM in Wii U News

now everyone doesn't need to learn a new control skeme to play smash bros. 


now where do i get the smash bros GC controller?

#287226 Have you gotten MK8 yet?

Posted by tboss on 30 May 2014 - 08:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Picked it up, games great except a few small but annoying flaws.

Recemend playing in custom if you want to play smaller lobbies

#287239 Mario Kart 8 Free Mercedes-Benz GLA DLC

Posted by tboss on 30 May 2014 - 09:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Its free dlc.

The dont be op point still stands.

#287419 What Would You Rate MK8

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Near perfect game, well balanced, good maps, good balance. Going all spped+ manuravability is easilly punished by items, light can go through almost unhindered but slow. Ai are much smarter and can troll you. Im wondering if the hard will use item shields...

My only major complaint is there isnt enough servers for 4-8 player lobbies. At 12 players every game it can get a little overly chaotic, also the lack of a basic items mode.

#287440 What Would You Rate MK8

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 12:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

8-8.8. Definitely the best Mario Kart I've played but items' randomisation is... too random at times that it is highly annoying. I hate it when I only get coins three times in a row and have nothing to defend my first place.


By the way, does anyone else get Blue Shells all the time? There is hardly a single race without one.


in grandprix i have been hit in almost every game, online they come at max, every other game. only the really strong items seem to have a placement cap, and most items are available from any place, though most are less likly.


also notice that the beginning of the first lap always gives weak items, i dont know how long the weak items last though.

#287493 What Mario Kart 8 Character will you use?

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 04:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

after playing some, i use bowser with the yoshi bike and whatever tire gives me the best speed/courning combination.


It is a good setup for getting ahead and maintaining a lead, getting hit or off roading will set you back more than most other setups. all but the offloading has at least acceptable recovery. Going all speed is the same type of thing, except if you get hit, it sets you back alot.  need a bike to get acceptable courning, on karts you cant turn at all, even with drifting.

#287497 What do you guys think about Iwata?

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 04:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

The good, guy understands making good games, and pushes for Nintendo to do so.  He does try new things, and is a little more lenient than the last guy to 3rd party, (the last guy had no problem telling them to Wii off), though he makes very few attempts at gaining them. seems like second party or no ninty support, unless they can prove themselfs. He has also proven to take honor related things seriously and cares about delivering something good, not ripping people to horde as much money as possible.


the bad. The bad is always easier to point out. Iwata seems more like a dev than a businessman. He used to be a programmer making the original smash bros. Nintendo is prone to assume many people like the same games, and not step outside the boundary. such as all the platformers we got with little else. Also demonstrating lack of actual business knowledge is how much he squandered advertising and creating hype for his console. Hype is the main driving force for the consoles this generation, look at PS4, it has literately nothing going for it except hype, x1 and wiiU have more and better games, PC rapes it in power. Hype alone is bringing it in the lead. 


Honestly i think iwata should be one of the lead devs of one of the games Nintendo produces. Nintendo should have a CEO that has a market sence, but has a confirmed interest in actually making good games. aka best off getting a gamer who did great in business and approved by Miyamoto and other lead devs to pick CEO. Have the CEO be in charge in how funds or split and get a actual marketing team, i would give him limited control with only being a adviser to what games are produced, which would likely be saying where demand is. Also recommend some limitation that prevents the CEO from thinking in mass money and not good games, which may be dependent on devs having a say in the CEO's term.  the last few parts are more to prevent a Nintendo becoming EA situation if a softshell lizard gets in charge and goes away from what nintendo is good for. One of the good things about him being in charge is there is no immediate risk of that.

#287500 Tales of Zestiria trailer

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 05:03 PM in General Gaming

looks good, the artstyle also doesnt look annoying to watch this time, so got the mix just right.

#287592 Is your MK8 case red?

Posted by tboss on 01 June 2014 - 08:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

digital, so black.

#288623 Sony to have around 70 games at their E3 booth

Posted by tboss on 07 June 2014 - 05:29 PM in E3 2014 Archive

Sony doing a good job getting indies and 3rd party in their booth.

#288778 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by tboss on 08 June 2014 - 06:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Got a feeling nintendo will upset a lot of people with this reveal


yes they will.


i just hope the game has a at least a decent artstyle, and they get the major aspects of the game right.


i also expect zelda to alternate between the 'realistic' and 'cartoon' artstyle.

#288839 Sonic Boom Looks Less than Promising

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 07:51 AM in E3 2014 Archive

2D sections look like normal sonic, i don't expect them to be great but don't expect them to suck so far.


the excessive grapple and slower paced fighting looks bad. add in your doing that with sonic as apposed to Knuckles or Amy and it gets somewhat worse.

#288903 Platinum Games' next game, Scalebound, announced exclusively for X-Box One.

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 10:10 AM in E3 2014 Archive

i don't expect to see much game play footage until after beyo2 is released, so concepts and art and basic setup atm. also possible this is what the wonderful 101 team is working on now. 

#288908 Microsoft E3 Conference Thread

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 10:19 AM in E3 2014 Archive

definitly a improvement from last year. 
managed to get timed exclusives, new ip from platinum, crackdown, halo master cheif collection, phantom dust, project spark, sunset overdrive. 
have a PC for the multiplats but Microsoft definitely has a solid exclusive line up this year.
Ubisoft and EA took up some large timeslots
also anyone get a update on microsoft indie policies. they seem to be attempting to match sony and ninty level of support.

#288916 Electronic Arts (EA) E3 2014 Conference

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 10:31 AM in E3 2014 Archive

lets see if any of their 'plan to kill' studios makes anything worth pirating. 


bioware already confirmed dragon age. Doubt that is worth a pirate though.

#288917 What features would you like to see announced for the Wii U at E3?

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 10:32 AM in General Gaming

crossgame chat+ improved online


also GC+N64 VC

#288938 Electronic Arts (EA) E3 2014 Conference

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 12:00 PM in E3 2014 Archive

i cannot watch any of the streams on my WiiU, there are no HTML5 streams & none of the flash ones work & the ones on youtube are dead :@

ive been using the forbes official stream links. Been using my wiiU to watch the streams from their and its been working fine so far

#288942 Electronic Arts (EA) E3 2014 Conference

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 12:03 PM in E3 2014 Archive

bioware is the only group who had games that looked good at the conference, They are also making 3 games and dealing with EA deadlines so there is good chances of rushed issues on top of likely DRM and other BS. Otherwise dragon age and ME look worth pirating, mirrors edge, might but probably wont.

Only thing I was impressed by was Hardline. The whole cops and robbers demo looked really fun to play. Overall, too much talking, not enough gameplay. Getting another look at Battlefront and Mirror's Edge was nice, but I would've atleast a little finalized gameplay.


there should be alot of hardline gameplays posted on youtube for the next few hours.

#289006 Ubisoft's E3 Conference Official Thread

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 03:08 PM in E3 2014 Archive

only one that got my attention is rainbowsix. A shooter changed enough that its more tactical and less RnG like a moron. 


the division looks like a more slandered game. on interest in the crew. 


again to much time wasted on talking and choreographed jokes, not enough on games.


better than EA's conference but still not that great overall.

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