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#180487 Two problems that need to be fixed

Posted by routerbad on 07 March 2013 - 08:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

yeah , right. and when i put the console next to the router, works excellent. i'll have to glue the router to the wiiu.

don't think so, ps3 is not my favorite console, but something great about it, it's that the wifi connection works perfectly.

Yeah it doesn't need to be that close, just reasonable.


The PS3 would have been better off not coming with a wifi connection in the first place, it was absolutely terrible at launch and wasn't fixed until much later.  It was actually in their patch notes at one point, to fix wifi performance.

#179743 Two problems that need to be fixed

Posted by routerbad on 05 March 2013 - 10:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

The forums first troll posted, that's what.


#175293 The Harlem Shake

Posted by routerbad on 24 February 2013 - 12:02 AM in The Café


Ohhh the androgyny!!

#177708 Two problems that need to be fixed

Posted by routerbad on 28 February 2013 - 07:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

It's super slow for me too. It literally took me 3 hours to download Runner 2 last night. That game is less than a gig. Defenders, what is your magic trick? My 360 downloads 10 times faster.

I'm downloading it now, says 10 minutes.

#178500 What companies are you boycotting

Posted by routerbad on 02 March 2013 - 11:43 PM in General Gaming

I do believe that was the whole intention of my post. The only way to make change is if more people let themselves be heard. But the average person doesn't care. Until it affects them directly, that is. It's great to be optimistic about change, but it's also a good trait to be realistic.


Anyway, I agree with everything else you said. I just don't like how dtrex made it seem like he was entitled to something from a company.

Agreed.  We aren't entitled to any product or service, we either accept the price and terms that the provider sets or we take our money elsewhere, simple as that.  Well, it is much more complicated than that but that's a simplistic yet mostly accurate way of looking at it.

#179992 Two problems that need to be fixed

Posted by routerbad on 06 March 2013 - 03:04 PM in Wii U Hardware

Mine took over an hour just to do a game update, yet an hour or so before my ps3 did one and took like 5 mins.

That's a very subjective measure, as not all updates are created equal.  I will say that there is something wrong with the way nintendo is doing downloads, installs, and updates.  Why do I need to download and install something?  Why wouldn't it be packaged and placed exactly where it needs to go from the start?

#180649 Would you like Facebook, Twitter, and Skype on Wii U?

Posted by routerbad on 08 March 2013 - 12:21 PM in General Gaming

One problem. That only works with other people who also have a Wii U. Something like Skype would allow you to communicate with a lot more people out there.


Yeah I didn't understand someone pointing out it can be done on the system.  Only a couple of my friends have a Wii U, so there isn't enough penetration yet for that feature to be uber useful.  Skype would make perfect sense.

#185570 Wii U isn't doomed but it seems to be in trouble.

Posted by routerbad on 23 March 2013 - 09:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yes, it's pretty obvious that nobody on this forum is the study of matter and it's motion through space and time.

We are, however, the result of matter and it's motion through space and time.

#210100 Could this be the reason for lack of power...

Posted by routerbad on 22 May 2013 - 11:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

There has been no evidence so far that the wii u is anything other than current gen performance so far. Not exactly the same I grant you but in the ballpark area. So many fantasy figures have been conjured up but that's not evidence. Evidence is based on how a console performs, what fabrication process it uses, what developers have stated, how much power it consumes and most importantly the architecture which has been x-rayed. All this evidence points to current gen performance.


Watchdogs is not an example of what the wii u is capable of because we haven't seen it. It's quite possible it will be visually similar to current gen models with extra gamepad features. That would be the expected performance level based on past games. Assasin's Creed 3 is from the same actual developers and is weaker than the ps3 and 360 versions both visually and in frame rates.




It also made minimal use of the gamepad. This time around the wii u has to do a lot more work with the gamepad which may be to the detriment of the main game detail.


Surely the time to say the wii u is more powerful than current gen is when the evidence supports it. That surely means the majority of cross platform games outperforming ps3 and 360. Currently the reverse is true. Once we have passed that milestone we can then start comparing to ps4 and xbox one. 

There's been plenty of evidence, you've chosen to ignore it.  A few of us have spoonfed you information over and over, and over again, only for you to ignore it, and continue acting ignorant to avoid having to shed your confirmation bias.


Ubisoft themselves, in candid interviews (not the Sony paid advertising) have stated that all next gen versions of Watch_Dogs look "identical".


Assassins Creed 3 is not weaker than the other consoles in any area, the framerates are comparable, and they were given little time with non final hardware to port the game.  This is one of the games that is only using two of the Wii U CPU cores and the game is not optimized to use the SIMD available on the GPU, because the Nintendo tools weren't there at the time to help them get it done, and the GPU was foreign.  Also, linking an article with little journalistic integrity and a known bias against Nintendo doesn't really support your argument.


Doing more with the gamepad does not affect visuals or framerates or anything else.  The only situation that would affect anything is the introduction of an additional gamepad.


A Wii U game could feature a character popping OUT OF the gamepad to slap you in the face and you would still not consider it evidence enough.  You have an issue with not listening to anyone, and shaping every argument to fit your view regardless of the facts.

#212246 Microsoft: "If all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" - yo...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:30 AM in General Gaming

I know it isnt but its not that hard to make banjo kazooie just copy and paste.

No, its not just copy and paste.  Character models have to be recreated, environments recreated, story written, mechanics improved or added to.  It is no where near as simple as you think it is.

#212230 Microsoft: "If all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" - yo...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:05 AM in General Gaming

Banjo Kazooie will save microsoft

Rare is not what it once was, and former RARE employees are working on Wii U.  http://nintendoenthu...wii-u-dev-kits/

#212228 Microsoft: "If all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" - yo...

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 08:02 AM in General Gaming

Not a chance in hell.

#210403 Could this be the reason for lack of power...

Posted by routerbad on 23 May 2013 - 09:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

Similar on the surface maybe, but they also claimed to be adding a lot of polish to the PS4 version so it might "feel" different.


If they look too similar then its merely the limitations of porting to so many different consoles, they SHOULD look different.  Then again, people seem to underestimate how having more objects on and screen and a greater drawing distance makes a game feel and often play much better.

That was paid sony advertisement.  Sony paid them to do a dev diary to talk up the PS4 version, and any business that walks away from free money is stupid.


They won't be porting anything, Wii U version is being built side by side, by a different team.  It will look extremely close, and the "polish" they are adding won't change the visuals or the gameplay, they said that all next gen versions look the same, they will play differently on each console, however.

NONE of those games come close to taxing the Wii U hardware. None.

Sonic All Stars was another ported game that was ported on early hardware, and is only using two cores.  Most if not all of the ports so far are locked to two cores because they didn't have enough knowledge about the system to optimize it correctly.  They did say that the issues were resolved and that they are able to use all three cores now, but those games still do not.

#198267 So how about this update.

Posted by routerbad on 22 April 2013 - 01:43 PM in Wii U Hardware

I can't believe you would take that seriously.

I couldnt help but chuckle.  It's surprising some of the things that are intended to be sarcastic but are taken at face value.

#178447 Would you like Facebook, Twitter, and Skype on Wii U?

Posted by routerbad on 02 March 2013 - 09:45 PM in General Gaming

Yeah I would like integration with common social networks, as well as a little more functionality for the camera and mic in the gamepad, I'm sure things like that will come in due time, seeing as it's a brand new online system and partnerships with third party social networking companies take time to develop.

#176103 'Watch Dogs' Wii U: Tablet use undecided[Ubisoft's Bucharest]

Posted by routerbad on 25 February 2013 - 12:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ubisoft doesn't care, I know, I'm just hoping they will convince me to buy it on Wii U.

Certainly agreed.

#176028 'Watch Dogs' Wii U: Tablet use undecided[Ubisoft's Bucharest]

Posted by routerbad on 25 February 2013 - 11:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Alright Ubisoft, convince me to buy this game for Wii U with great GamePad functionality. If you fail to do so, it's a PS4 buy for me.

I don't think Ubisoft care which platform you buy it on, so long as you buy it. I plan on getting it for Wii U.

#176550 'Watch Dogs' Wii U: Tablet use undecided[Ubisoft's Bucharest]

Posted by routerbad on 26 February 2013 - 09:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Also interesting from the source is that they have been developing games for the PS4 for 2-3 years now as they knew very early on what sort of hardware they were going to be dealing with.

Really isn't that hard, at least for strictly the game code, since they are programming for a low end gaming PC.

#176195 'Watch Dogs' Wii U: Tablet use undecided[Ubisoft's Bucharest]

Posted by routerbad on 25 February 2013 - 02:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

Which is if they crap out a port on the wii u, which it appears they are going to, i wont buy it for ANY of my future systems.

We'll have to wait for some gameplay footage from the Wii U itself to be able to tell if that's what they did. Also, I expect all of the versions on next gen systems to share assets with the PC version, so they will all be ports in one way or another. I don't mind time savings measures so long as it doesn't compromise the qulity of the game on any particular platform.

#176558 'Watch Dogs' Wii U: Tablet use undecided[Ubisoft's Bucharest]

Posted by routerbad on 26 February 2013 - 10:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

My point was only that, to my understanding, outside developers know maybe maximum a year in advance what they are dealing with, working on a game 2-3 years before the console is even announced is a luxury other consoles didn't have.

Agreed. Though I doubt they've been working on the PS4 version directly, more than likely the PC version, and the PS4 version is going to be a port from PC.

#176670 'Watch Dogs' Wii U: Tablet use undecided[Ubisoft's Bucharest]

Posted by routerbad on 26 February 2013 - 01:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Those typical and also cynical fanboy comments.

Well, all of the big three have tried to get gotcha exclusives to pull business away from their competition.  Sony guerilla warfare may be an extremely blunt way of putting it, but it is appropriate.

The other comment just sounds like spitballing, and I think ubi was concerned about the console on the back end (between them and Nintendo) but needed something to tell the public.  Ever since the outpouring for Rayman, though, Ubi has been fairly supportive.  Let's hope that continues for Nintendo's sake.

Also, it isn't illegal to be a fanboy.  Annoying sometimes maybe but they are well within their rights, and you should expect a bit of that on vendor specific forums anyway.

#171771 Criterions Rob O'Farrel talks wii u power, calls out lazy devs.

Posted by routerbad on 15 February 2013 - 10:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

So devs just have to take time to adjust to the newer architecture?

Well, they needed the final hardware first, which didn't even start happening until the latter half of 2012, with many dev studios not getting it until very late in the year, a la criterion.

Yes they need time to learn the platform, but the fact that criterion was able to put out what they did with only three months with final hardware speaks volumes about the tools Nintendo is now providing.

#172366 Criterions Rob O'Farrel talks wii u power, calls out lazy devs.

Posted by routerbad on 17 February 2013 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well that's kind of what I meant. Nintendo has to create much better relationships with third party developers and give them a reason to release their games on the Wii U. The drastic option would be to buy them off but what would be better is to just get them on their side.

That's a completely understandable position to have, but take a look at many of the rumors coming out about the next xbox (always online, draconian DRM, no used games, no rented games, no game sharing, etc) and think about who actually wants measures like that taken? A large publisher, on the brink of becoming a less than ideal source of funding as well as creative guidance for digital entertainment, wants to tamp down as many revenue streams as possible and CONTROL platforms, not leverage them. Nintendo's principles don't exactly line up in that respect, because Nintendo have always been able to ensure continued prosperity through creating experiences that leave players satisfied with their purchase. This isn't what publishers want. They have been moving toward annual iterations of the same material without any difference other than storyline or gotcha features, that don't actually expand the experience. They feel threatened by Nintendo, and as such are less likely to work with them, given that those same publishers' ad dollars pay for sites like IGN and Gamespot, you can see where the videogame media get their bias.

Developers, on the other hand, have seemed more than happy to work with, promote, and share excitement for the Wii U. Many of the negative comments that we see quoted by DF, IGN, etc are either mobile developers who aren't worth listening to anyway, but because their title is developer (iirespective of what they develop) media outlets take advantage of the average reader's ignorance and use the line anyway because it fits the narrative. The other people quoted often are "money-men" or talking heads for the publishers, who also have a company line to toe and a narrative to disseminate. Actual, no carp, console game developers have not been so critical of the system, as we've seen. In fact, the only actual developers we've seen being critical of the system have been twitch FPS developers, which is interesting in that that is the one genre Nintedo doesn't really compete.

#172526 Criterions Rob O'Farrel talks wii u power, calls out lazy devs.

Posted by routerbad on 17 February 2013 - 08:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

Amazing find dude. It's putting my mind at rest. It's just a shame Nintendo is really stupid when it comes to relationships with third parties. They should spend the time to explain to them about the architecture so they get inspired to do next gen games, and better current gen games, otherwise you get developers walking away thinking "1.24 Ghz?!" or not being able to port their games properly thus having a bitter experience developing for Nintendo....

Devs care about machine specs, publishers do not. What makes you think Nintendo is stupid? developers who work with them have nothing but praise for Nintendo. You are following along the same narrative that EA, DF, and Acti have laid out. It's somehow Nintendo's responsibility to make sure 3rd party games end up on their system (it really isn't) and if publishers don't release to the system it has nothing to do with scared, greedy, dying publishing houses, no, it's Nintendo's fault. Yeah that makes much more sense.

^^^ or nintendo could have just released another 1 or 2 first party titles at launch and console sales would have been higher thus the third parties could not afford to ignore the wii u.

That was exactly why they skipped on 1st party releases, to entice 3rd parties to release games while there is little competition from Nintendo.

#171505 Criterions Rob O'Farrel talks wii u power, calls out lazy devs.

Posted by routerbad on 14 February 2013 - 01:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

It doesn't matter it's all in the actual games. Good on them for doing their job and having a passion and desire to make the best game every time. This isnt going to mean anything in the mind of the haters..... Just go to beyond 3d.

True, but Wii U fans are probably going to take notice in a big way and it will get some decent sales numbers.  It isn't going to sell systems, but it's definitely refreshing to see a 3rd party dev make the media rounds to praise the WiiU and what it has to offer us in the way of gameplay and visual fidelity.

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